
U.S. 《星辰(Lucent Heart)》登陸美國展開封測

橘子的自製遊戲《星辰(Lucent Heart)》今年2月在美國展開第二次CCB,釋出1,200個帳號,還配合西洋情人節推出「Prepare for Love Beta」,參加測試的玩家都會拿到一把「邱比特之鑰」跟其他人配對一起闖關,通過層層關卡最後成功的那一對玩家會收到橘子送的華麗禮服,在《星辰(Lucent Heart)》世界中舉辦盛大的結婚派對。





Prepare for Love Beta Video
最後來聽聽新娘Tsuki對於這次Prepare for Love Beta婚禮派對的感想:

Tsuki– It was really beautiful <3. It made me nervous and shaky even though it’s only a game, great job on making it. :3 I really loved my wedding dress. I absolutely LOVED the carriage ! <333 The horse had hair covering it’s eye ! The carriage was absolutely lovely. The favorite part was the PvP honestly, was sort of a surprise. :3 I really didn’t have a least favorite, the wedding was simply amazing ~