A Next-Generation Payment Service that Turns Existing Brands On Their Head “GASH PAY Press Release” GAMA Leads the Way GASH PAY, a subsidiary of the Gamania Group, launched the trial for a new service today (17) along with its all
“Elsword”, the most hot-blooded online action RPG game from Gamania, will today (2) welcome the hottest all-new character “Rose” for the summer. Rose is the first character capable of switching between four weapons: “Revolver”, “Auto-Gun”, “Musket” and “Hand Cannon”. The
Gamania will introduce players from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau to the new “Maple Detectives” dungeon for its blockbuster game “Maple Story” tomorrow (11). Players will be able to embark on a series of intense and exciting adventures with the
“Summons Board” Chinese Edition, the first mobile game to be managed by GungHo Gamania, a joint venture between Gamania and Japan’s leading mobile game company GungHo, will launch a limited-time event stage from today (4) through to May 18. This
Dragon Boat Festival is all about rice dumplings, egg standing and dragon boat rowing! The 4-day long weekend is coming soon. Gamania’s web and mobile games are all wracking their brains to release special holiday events. For classic online games
2011年のクリスマス、GHKは遊びまくり食べまくるクリスマスパーティーを催しました。イベントのテーマはオフィスのアイデアレイアウトで、競技は計7組に分かれて行われました。各組とも知恵を絞って、他の人とは違う異なる特色を持ったテーマでレイアウトデザインを行いましたが、その中にはもちろんクリスマスの要素が含まれていなければなりません。審査員はGHKの最高執行責任者であるYaling、ファイアドッグの最高執行責任者であるGabrielがそれぞれ審査を行いました。負けた部門の仲間たちは当日、イベントの後片付けを手伝わなければなりません! 部門レイアウトテーマDS Harry PotterCMHAWAIICOO+FN+HR 民族GDM+MB少林寺PMアダルトスタイルIT MUSICPLS-HK エコロジー チャンピオン-「PM:アダルトスタイル」 当日の最高得点はPMでした!アダルトスタイルは彼らにとって全く問題ではありませんでした。多彩な人材が揃うPMの仲間たちのコスチュームもレイアウトも十分笑えるものでした。 第2位-DS: Harry Potter レイアウトなんて美術部門にしてみれば簡単でしょう?!工夫を凝らし、テーマに合った内装と雰囲気に満ちた電飾は本当にロマンチック~。 第3位-「GDM + MB:少林寺」 その他部門のレイアウトIT:MUSIC CM:HAWAII COO + FN + HR:民族 PLS-HK:エコロジー ガマニア人バザー大会 私たちがクリスマスで喜びと楽しみに浸っている時、世界のもう一方ではどんな生活をしているか考えたことはありますか?今年私たちは特別にガマニアバザー大会を開催しました。バザーに出品された品物は全てアフリカ現地の人々の手作りによるもので、たいへん美しい品物ばかりです。バザーの全ての売上は慈善団体に寄付し、より多くの社会的弱者の子どもたちが優れた教育を受け、生活環境を改善するために役立てられます。バザーはで他人を助けるだけではなく、同時に買い物の楽しさも味わえます! プレゼント強奪大抽選会 今年のプレゼント交換の方法は、抽選形式によって行われました。特別なのは先にプレゼントを手にした人が有利だとは限らないことです。なぜなら次の人があなたのプレゼントを奪うことができるからです! ルールは次の通り: 1. それぞれが持ち寄ったプレゼントをある位置に集めます。 2. プレゼントを選ぶ順序を抽選で決めます(この部分はGHK-IS-Ireneが当日に抽選を行う)。 3. 最初にプレゼントを選ぶ人はPoolの中からのみプレゼントを1つ選ぶことができます。 2番目にプレゼントを選ぶ人には2つの選択肢があります。1. 最初(即ち前の順番の人)が開封したプレ 5. 3番目の人も2番目の人のようにします。Poolの中から選ぶか、もしくは前の順番の人が開封したプレゼントを選びます。 ▲お気に入りのプレゼントが奪われる感覚は……とても辛いものです。全く残酷なゲームです。 関さんの少林寺僧が盛り上げる そうです!また彼です……GDM + MBの少林寺テーマレイアウトが負けたわけではありませんでしたが、仲間の関さんはパーティーを盛り上げるという運命からは逃れられませんでした。 ▲華やかすぎる登場に、僧侶姿の関さんも喜びの表情を隠しきれません! ▲ GUS-COO Davidが記念撮影を頼んでいました!
The "CSO National Elite and Inter-School Cup" was launched at major net cafes in early June. After 3 months of intensive competition in northern, central and southern Taiwan, 32 crack teams rose above the pack and got ready to compete for the crown of grand champion! Braving the September heat, they gathered at the Huashan Culture Park, "lock and loaded" for the bloodbath ahead. Which team will the Goddess of Victory ultimately favor? G!VOICE brings Gamanians a live report from the battlefield! Firefight ! The "CSO National Elite and Inter-school Cup" finals at the Huashan Culture Park consisted
Gamania Spring Banquet Gamania and 5Zhua 2012 Annual Spring Party Gamania R&D colleagues from Shanghai and Beijing and partner, 5Zhua co-held an exciting spring banquet in Chinese style on March 2nd, 2012. The hotel that features its European architecture, Wedding Story was chosen as the venue which added some romantic element to it. On the actual day, there were prize-draw, Beijing opera and light &shadow shows and many other exceptional performances. Now, let’s take a look at some of the memorable moments on that day. Source of picture:www.591849.com/hotel ▲The venue of the annual party, filled with the romantic atmosphere
Special Report The original Mig Said animation series created by the Gamania Creative Center will be aired on TV from 9/19 onwards! A partnership has been formed with GTV's idol drama In Time with You. The show is written by Mag Hsu, directed by Yu-Ning, Chu and will star Ariel Lin and Bo-lin, Chen. Mig Said's cute Square-Head Lion doll will appear during the show and at the end of each episode a Mig Said will be shown as well. FTV will begin airing In Time with You on 9/18 and GTV on 9/24. Gamanians, don't miss this if
Gamania Retired Staff Gathering Party—A Warm Closure In February, 2012, Gamania’s first retiree was born. On the day of March 16th, HR held a special staff gathering party for the very 1st retiree, Peter who had served Gamania for 10 years. CEO Albert and other heads of departments were invited, along with Peter’s family, colleagues and good friends, the atmosphere was warm and touching. Albert personally conferred Group Retiree Award to Peter in appreciation of his dedication and contribution to Gamania for the past 10 years. This award is very significant in its meaning and it not easy to
Over the years Gamania's exhibition strategy has focused mainly on the TGS in Asia. In a dramatic change during the heat of late August this year, Gamania entered "Gamescom", the largest game show in Europe. There Gamania not only left a strong impression on major game European game companies but also set a new milestone in Gamania's global expansion. A Spectacular Gaming Carnival! – 2011 Gamescon As we mentioned before, the annual "Gamescon" is the largest and most professional general game show in Europe. Practically all of the world's top game companies and hardware / software vendors come to
Web POWER DoLLS, a webpage game jointly developed by GJP and Kogado Studio officially started its open beta in Japan, in December 2011. This game was adapted from the famous console game, POWER DoLLS. Web POWER DoLLS inherited the content of the original game and is a strategic game that combines female role and robot. Players may select any female role of their preference and cultivate them to become battle partners. Each female team member will ride on a customizable heavy infantry robot soldier. Players need to develop adaptable strategies to lead the legion to fight. Official
A year has come to an end, SPACE 17 invited renowned Japanese illustrator, Akinori Oishi to create some art works for Gamanians around the theme of travel. His last name, “Oishi” in Japanese means “delicious” so it prompted him to name the show, “Mr. Oishi’s Travel Map Show.” Gamanians can follow Akinori’s smiley men and travel around the world. Gamania’s Exclusive Edition of Smiley Man Japanese illustrator Akinori is known for drawing his charismatic characters with a few succinct strokes. This time, he added some Gamanian elements into his smiley men and created many interesting illustration
The last GM was hosted on December 19, 2011. Our last but not least special guest is not only hugely influential but has deep connection with game industry. The founder of Bahamut.bbs (formerly known as Gamer), Chen, Jian-Hong (a.k.a Sega) was invited to share his hot blooded history of building his career upon video game website. Gamer had just celebrated its 15th birthday and currently possesses 2.5 million members with daily hits of 20 million which is the top 6 website in Taiwan. However, at the very beginning, Bahamut was just a BBS for game discussions set up
A self-produced online game, Lucent Heart by Playcoo, Gamania’s R&D subsidiary is expected to make is footprint onto Europe, specifically, France in the end of 2011 after previous successful launch in Japan and North America. Closed beta has started in October and open beta test will follow suit in November. To celebrate this special event, Gamania has prepared adorable lions and alpacas rides to give away to players! Lucent Heart’s official French website: www.lucentheart.fr 《 Lucent Heart》Exciting video introduction https://youtu.be/NnWEt0q1JWI
One gloomy morning, a group of mysterious black-clothed people swarmed in and brought about 2 minutes of uber-merry dance, leaving passers-by baffled. Then the group dismissed, the crowd marveled at their performance but still confused. What they saw was the 1st “Gama-Flash” mobilization that took place at 11:11 on November 11th 2011, in celebration of Gama Day. ▲ Wind and rains won’t put any damp on Gamanians’ enthusiasm, they brought out Gama flag and got ready to “Flash”! (請嵌入影片:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oecbAHW90FM) What is Gama Day? To commemorate Gamania’s official name change from its precursor, FullSoft to Gamania (Game+Mania) on November 11th,
GU Morning is easy, interesting and exciting, you will love it! Gamania continues to extend its frontier to mobile game application. GU Morning, an adorable puzzle game for mobile phone was launched on November 16th 2011. You can now find it in App Store and Android Market worldwide! The main theme of GU Morning centers on the character—a chick named Gugu. When Gugu was born and opened his eyes for the first time, he saw his father “Colonel Rooster” saluted to the sun. He was fascinated by it and has since determined to follow his father’s footstep.
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