In the 19th century, Europe was influenced by nationalism. Young painters, in the latter half of the 18th century, found that neo-classicism could hardly earn them a place in the circle of art. As a result, more and more of them began to seek new means of presentation in their works. During this period, various schools of paintings, including romanticism, realism, and impressionism, became accomplished brilliantly. France, that praised democracy highly, was naturally the center of art then. Many of the classics in painting that were left to us were created in that period, influencing the development of the modern painting in the 20th century.
This year, it is the 30th Anniversary of the National Palace Museum and it takes the honor of cooperating with the Musée d’Orsay of France, selecting 69 fine collections, including Van Gogh’s “Rest from Work”, Millet’s “The Gleaners”, Renoir’s “Girls at the Piano”, and more, from this renowned museum. Art lovers can appreciate all these fine paintings of these 19th century masters without the trouble of flying to Frances. The exhibition will begin on April 8 and end on July 24.
Musée d’Orsay is located on the left bank of Paris, once renowned as the “most beautiful museum in Europe”. Interestingly, it is just situated on the opposite side of the Musée du Louvre. Originally Orsay was a train station. Now, the interior of the museum still retains the look of the station, refurbished in 1986. Its collections are exhibited chronologically, a practice in between the Louvre Museum and Centre Pompidou, which collects arts works created between 1848 and 1914. It mainly exhibits paintings, sculptures, furniture, handicrafts, photographs and more were created in the 19th century. Most of its collections are works of impressionists, such as Millet, Monet, Van Gogh, and more, most of whose authentic works are collected in this very museum. It as a must visit place for tourists in France.
In fact, in the past few years, the exhibitions of the works of Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh and more were held in Taiwan, earning high appraise. In this occasion, the paintings of the representative schools in the 19th century will be exhibited. The sponsor is going to display the paintings of five major schools: romanticism, neoclassicism, impressionism, realism and symbolism in five different zones in the same exhibition site so that art lovers can appreciate the works of the masters, including Van Gogh, Millet, Renoir, Monet, Cezanne, Gauguin, Degas, Seurat, Delacroix, and more under one roof. Viewing the development of western art in the 19th century, we may have a better understanding of the origins of 20th century art.
The tour exhibition will be held in Seoul and Taipei only. For connoisseurs of 19th century European paintings, you cannot afford to miss such a great opportunity to appreciate the works of the masters.

▲Vincent Van Gogh “Rest from Work,” 1889-90) The design of this work looks like a reflection of Millet’s “Noonday Rest”, 1866 with left and right inverted. It shows van Gogh’s deep influence on Millet, rendering it a major feature of this exhibition.

▲Pierre-Auguste Renoir “Young Girls at the Piano” (1892) Regarding the classics of Renoir, there are 5 in a series. And this one is collected by the Musée d’Orsay is generally regarded as the one preserved in the most complete condition.
Impression Left Bank – 30th Anniversary of Musée d’Orsay Exhibition
Date: April 8, 2017 – July 24, 2017
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm daily
Venue: Northern Branch, National Palace Museum/Exhibition Area II/1F Special Exhibition Zone, Library and Archive Building