
Gamania Mobilization The adventure of the Otaku Godfather, Chen, Jian-Hong –founder of Bahamut (Gamer)

The last GM was hosted on December 19, 2011. Our last but not least special guest is not only hugely influential but has deep connection with game industry. The founder of Bahamut.bbs  (formerly known as Gamer), Chen, Jian-Hong (a.k.a Sega) was invited to share his hot blooded history of building his career upon video game website.  

Gamer had just celebrated its 15th birthday and currently possesses 2.5 million members with daily hits of 20 million which is the top 6 website in Taiwan. However, at the very beginning, Bahamut was just a BBS for game discussions set up by Sega when he was studying in the graduate school of National Central University.   Added with the investment by some significant people, Gamer.com.tw then became the official career of Sega and started the life of writing programs with partners during the day and stayed at the office for《Diablo》 after work with food supply from convenience store, 7-11. They may be considered as “Otaku” (geeky) but Sega reckoned it was the happiest time in his career.

The first version of Gamer (Bahamut) was born in this Pentium 100.

The 1st Challenge: labor division to expand the profit from internet ADs

Nonetheless, Sega suddenly found that they were running out of the money after one smooth year. The required monthly expenditure included equipment, human resources, rent, and internet fee. They had to reach the balance of income and outcome so that the company could survive. Therefore they started to adopt division of labor and to explore the business opportunity of internet Ads. However, the newly emerged internet ads were considered “weak” by the manufacturers and therefore unable to establish the income model of combining internet ads with substantial events until holding the first “internet sale” for game producing company.

The career path can’t be all smooth. After solving the turnover problem, Sega found the flow rate of Gamer.com.tw had been overtaken by newly built website – Gamebase. Gamebase persuade many clients that Gamer was only a discussion board for Console Games and all the online game players are on Gamebase. Gamer then lost the leading position in the industry.

The 2nd Challenge: adjust the pace when provoked by strong competitors

No challenge no improvement. Sega started to review the weakness of Gamer – the threshold was too high for the beginner and senior members were not so friendly either. But Sega didn’t feel like compromising the discussing atmosphere established therefore opened a simpler and friendlier “talking zone.”   The Avatar service for users was also introduced so that players could modify the clothing and accessories of their Avatars with the integration of virtual currency system, “BM (Bahamut Money)” and interactive awarding system, “EXP” the community was revived. Players enjoy creating and they also like to share their creations with others. The Avatar, BM, and EXP system prospered the “chat zone” and evolved Gamer successfully retook the leading position in the game community and last.

Many Gamanians are the old members from Gamer and rose questions enthusiastically.   Sega pointed out, the reason why Gamer stood out from other game communities was that they cared more about the details and strictly checked on business acts to establish the public trust and discouraged people from game producing companies to fake their ranks. This is the insistence of Sega as one of the gamers. Therefore, even though the world of games changes through the development of web games and smart phone, Gamer is able to evolve accordingly. As the initial name of this website “Bahamut” was adopted from the most powerful summon beast in 《Final Fantasy》 – Sega’s favorite game. Gamer now is the most powerful summon beast for all the players and each players can also be others summon beast.

The initial name of Gamer came from this Summon Beast.

【全橘Q&AGama Q&A

At the end of Gama townhall, Albert followed the tradition and opened the floor for everyone to ask questions. Maybe because everyone missed Albert, who travelled around the island in 30 days by foot, so much, the Q&A session was packed with questions. Albert was like a Santa, giving away answers and nuggets of wisdoms. G!VOICE extracted a few important questions and summarized as below for fellow Gamanians. 

Q1:Can we add new sit-up equipment in the gym? 

Albert: We’ll have the coach evaluate the current situation, if there is indeed a need to do that, we’ll do it. I just don’t want to see any waste. 

Q2:I just wanna say, Gama island rocks! 

Albert: Everyone gives round of applause (thunderous applause broke out). We’re executing various welfare policies under the circumstance that the company’s in the black. Of course I’m under some pressure, but when I see everyone is happy about these benefits that make me feel proud and happy. I think employer and employees should be in a binary opposition and we’ve never opposed one another before. I hope everyone can continue to work towards this direction.   

Q3:How did you feel about traveling by foot in 30 days? Did you have any special thoughts? Can employees do it too? 

Albert: it’s a lot of fun and a lot of work too. Traveling the island in 30 days turned out to be harder than I thought. Initially my hip joint got injured and then gradually other parts of my legs were also injured. I also had to finish tons of workload before setting off.    Starting on January 1st, 2012, the company will plan some of these grand tours for employees to take the challenge. If you want to challenge cycling around the island, you need to write an application. We’ll have committee to review your application and evaluate which is more of a challenge to you, cycling or riding a motorcycle around the island. For example, cycling around the island wouldn’t be a challenge for me. We hope that you could accomplish something that challenges you both mentally and physically. Partial days will be taken from your annual leaves, but the company will give you more. However ,this isn’t about chasing excitement, it’s about sharing the experience so that more people will be inspired and change their lives.    ‘

Q4:Does the company have the talent recommendation system? Some units lack the man power for some time, we hope to recruit some new talents in. 

Albert: we’re planning it and that means it usually takes some time (but not too long) Relevant units have drafted the system, I’d be happy to endorse it. 

Q5:Hey boss, I really want a girlfriend. Can you help ‘fix’ the single men and women in Gamania and give them a chance to know one another? 

Albert: Do you guys really think of me as god? Well then, sure why not. (everyone burst out laughing) I mean, seriously, if you need help even just to meet a girl, that’s really something. But I can relate, technical personnel like me and Sega, we lack social skills. I really spent some time to transform myself into the current state. (but in my heart, I’m still pretty geeky)

If you want to get to know a guy/girl, just go talk or write to him/her. (G!VIOICE: boss, this is very old-school. ) Department heads could probably consider having friendly social events with other companies. I feel sorry for you and I feel the loneliness but this is probably something you need to handle on your own. Cheer up! 

Q6:How old can a kid be admitted to gama-kindergarten? Thank you for providing such sweet service. 

Alberts: 2 years old. Does everyone still need nanny shift and post-childbirth care center? (Everyone cheered and applauded) Fine, but I think we should start by doing the kindergarten right. I’ll do what I can. For those of you who have stayed in the company for over 2 years, you know we will take care things one thing at a time.   

Q7:Can we purchase boxing machine? 

Albert: Welfare system is what everyone needs. Although I’m quite generous, I simply can’t set up things based on one-person’s demand. We’ll have relevant units to plan the public voting system. If everyone votes online and says it’s a good idea, then we’ll do it. We need to record everyone who clicks on ‘like’. This is not to pin anyone down, but to show that you’re responsible for your action. We hope to satisfy everyone’s need but we don’t encourage waste. 

Q8:Do we have extra day off on January 2nd? I know public servants don’t, but I think Gamania’s system is different from that of public servants. 

Albert: Don’t have to make a fuss about this, I tell you, I’m definitely a generous person. I hope my generosity will win over everyone’s enthusiasm and commitment. Let’s give the microphone to Linus, our director of HR, he’ll give you the answer. 

▲ Linus Chang, director of HR  

Linus: I’ve asked Albert about this before and he agreed immediately. But I’d like to explain to everyone that our company’s system is better than that in the Labor Standards Act. We only need to work 40 hours a week so we are not entitled to any extra day. So having January 2nd off is not a deserved right, but a generosity given by Albert. 

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Feature VOL. 89