Terms such as user experience and user research are being utilized with an increasing frequency. It seems like every company is hiring in several related positions, with UX/UI designer openings
As the title suggests, this is an inspirational story on going from not knowing how to code, to writing a passable webpage (hehe~). First, a self-introduction.Both my bachelor and master
When you see the poster shown above for the first time, do you get an urge to take out a magnifying glass and "see what the heck is that in
The marketing of product features and quality is now old-school. The challenge for marketing now is creating a brand that touches the heart by capturing the customer experience and emotions.
G!VOICE Recommends If asked to name an artist of the Renaissance, then Da Vince immediately comes to mind! His many masterpieces included the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and The
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