▲Have any Gamanians noticed that Gama Island’s window display looks different now?
How is a Gamanian born? What do Gamanians eat? What kind of exhibitions intrigue them? What sport classes do they take? The true spirit of Gamanian culture is demonstrated best through Gama Island! Gama Island is more than just a cafeteria for Gamanians. It has its own area dedicated to contemporary art and sub-culture, known as Space 17, and includes a well-equipped gym upstairs. The purpose of these recreational stations is to take care of our mind, body and spirit; Gama Island is like a modeling factory for little Gamanians. Every member is initiated into this big family passing through this “production line”!

▲(L) Fill Up Your Stomach, (M) Fill Up Your Soul, (R) Fill Up Your Energy
Fill Up Your Stomach – Fill Up Your Soul -Fill Up Your Energy: These were the 3 slogans that Gama Island was founded on. Starting with the 2002 1. 0 version, to 2011 1.5 version, this place has become one of the most iconic symbols that Gamanians hold by heart. It is a place for breakfast, lunch, dinner, after-sport snacks, art exhibitions, work discussions, coffee breaks, guest hosting and just for chilling… Gama Island is the most familiar working space for every Gamanian, besides their own offices. What’s better than a cozy environment that can recharge your stomach and your energy at the same time?

▲The window display outside Gama Island has been renovated from the original “Grand Opening”, to now the “Gamanian Production Line” design.