SPACE 17 Feature Report
Sportswear, sneakers, caps etc are the key elements for fans to support sports events. We want to copy those sports stars’ apparel and styles, for example, NY cap, the light orange and blue colored Linsanity T-shirt etc. Through these apparel, people could guess which sports star you support. These images that people could instantly recognize is what we called, athletic design!

This month Gama-island is full of energy and enthusiasm, hosting an “Athletic Design Exhibition” at SPACE 17 and showcasing jerseys and a wall of athletic designs. Right now, all kinds of sports competitions are carrying out throughout the world and this summer, London is hosting the Olympics. In light of this, SPACE 17 takes everyone down to the memory lane and introduces all kinds of image identification designs and aesthetics. Through the power of design we could promote and facilitate the transmission of positive energy.

Are you missing out on the sports craze? Come pay a visit at SPACE 17!
Visual artist and the mastermind of FURI FURI, Ryosuke Tei—takes you into the merry-making character world

Founder of FURI FURI, Tei had already visited Gamania once in 2007, when he launched joint-name figurines. This year, he visited Gamania again, sharing his creative process and experience at SPACE 17. He specializes in creating characters and has designed many entertaining roles in fields of animation, illustration, food, merchandise and figurines etc. He draws upon various media so that his characters could break the barrier of language and make it onto the world stage. He has collaborated with renowned corporations such as Nike and Coca Cola.

During the speech, Tei shared with everyone many of his recent works. The characters created by him possess of lively features and charisma. The audiences couldn’t help but fall into the joyful scenarios with the characters. He insisted that his creation should “make users’ happy”, and indeed they lighted up the whole room.

Artwork website:
SPACE 17 is Gamania’s exhibition space provided for the exchange of internal culture and a arena for Gamanians to unleash unlimited creativity. Exhibitions, activities are held monthly with invitation to artists and designers to give speeches and exchange thoughts. In the future, SPACE 17 plans to share more creative concepts, unearthing more interesting people and things within Gamania.