
More games to come! The cross-country cooperation of Chinese “Summons Board” and “Merc Storia”

“Summons Board” Chinese Edition, the first mobile game to be managed by GungHo and Gamania, a joint venture between Gamania and Japan’s leading mobile game company GungHo, will launch a limited-time event stage from today (13) through to July 27. This will be the first time that it will partner with “Merc Storia” on the three platforms of Android, iOS and Playphone for an overseas promotion. The background and music are designed based on the style of “Merc Storia”. Gamers can have the most-welcomed character, “Merc” through solving tasks completely. The active skill of miumiu can make the character invincible for one around and keep the character from any damage. To celebrate the launch of Chinese “Summons Board”, we cooperate with different industries. 12 new characters such as “Frowu”, “Yufence”, “Howl Monica”, “Luna Luna, “Rosa” will be available as well. This version has most characters and we expect to present different and new entertainment to gamers,

▲“Summons Board”, the first mobile game to be managed by GungHo Gamania, will launch a co-branded limited-time stage in partnership with “Merc Storia” from today (13) through to July 27.

A Fantastic Journey of “Board” Games! “Summons Board” Chinese Editions and “Merc Storia” Forms First International CollaborationThe most welcomed mascot of “Merc” will be launched in a limited-time stage.

“Summons Board” Chinese Edition, the first mobile game to be managed by GungHo Gamania, will partner with “Merc Storia” to launch a limited-time stage on the three platforms of Android, iOS and Playphone from now (13) through to July 27. The music is composed based on the style of “Merc Storia” and the background of each level is around the forest. The iconic stone plates of “Summons Board” are also changed to fresh green grassland in coordination with the background. There are four levels in the game, easy, normal, difficult and ultimate levels. The gamer that successfully passes levels has the chance to win the BOSS’s pet, “Yo.” Yo is a healer which will continue to summon partners to attack the gamer. However, once it dies, its partner will escape as well so the gamer must seize the opportunity to launch attacks! Moreover, when the gamer enters the BOSS zone, he/she may disturb the BOSS’s pet, “the fifth section commander of “Bulut Rome” and may have chance to get the pet. If the fallen “Sharp Knife of “Bulut Rome” is disturbed, the gamer will have strong Capitan skills and the ATK of all our strong-attack pets with 6-comno or above will increase by 3.6 times and 7% HP of the enemy will be returned to the gamer.

▲The mascot of “Merc Storia”, “Merc” now joins Chinese “Summons Board”

▲“Merc” is upgraded to become a girl who wants to retrieve the lost memory-“Amazing Girl Merc in a Bottle”. The capital skill of “I want to retrieve memory! “will increase ATK by 1.8 times.

▲“Sharp Knife of Bulut Rome” is a strong captain and an ideal person to lead gamers to higher levels. 

▲The Boss’s pet, “Yo”, can be integrated in order to increase the skill level of “Keto”.

All-new 12 characters-“Frowu”, “Howl Monica” and “Luna Luna” will come with limited chances.
Patta Rudith, a monster, is added to the enemy character “Merc Storia”. If the gamer beats so many monster that will get it.

The co-branded cross-country cooperation of “Summons Board” and “Merc Storia” produces the most characters in the Chinese cross-country game industry. There are as many as 12 new characters. The rare and representative characters in “Merc Storia” , such as “Frowu”, “Yufence”, “Howl Monica”, “Luna Luna” and “Rosa” may be collected through turning the Gachapon. The 7-star “Famous Silver Monster at Night “Howl Shoot” has a powerful explosive skill and has a special oblique explosion.

▲“Frowu” has powerful all-map attack skills and can paralyze enemies for 2 rounds.

▲“Howl Monica” is a rare healing pet. It can fly and transform completely.

▲“Yufence” is a attack-oriented pet, which can improve all HP pet by 3 times.

▲“Luna Luna” is special for enforcing fight-back and reducing damage.

▲The captain skill of “Rosa” is one of the best among the defense team.

The most obvious difference of the game is the addition of the enemies in “Merc Storia” to “Fighting Monster”. The gamer can acquire “Patta Rudith” of the ultimate level by beating enough monsters.

▲The active skill of “Patta Rudith” is to poision and paralyze enemies.

※“Summons Board” Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/SummonsBoard.TW
※“Summons Board” website: http://www.gungho-gamania.com/SB/

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