This summer in May, Gamania joyfully welcomed the annual sports event “Cheer Cup”! In comparison with last year, Gamania chose to hold a series of challenging wide games outdoors in Xinwu Dist., Taoyuan City this year. It arranged some recreational
Keep dream big so that the dream will keep growing up. Alan has two dreams; one is to buy up the Manchester United Football Club with an amount of 75 billion for its market value. The other dream is to
NOWnews cares about youth employment problems and spares no effort to support the youth to run the creative startup business. It especially works with WeBackers, and people from the Cross-Straight with lofty ideas to hold the 2016 Junior Cross-Straight Entrepreneurship
Jollywiz Digital is a subsidiary of the Gamania Group. After accumulating 8 years of real world experience in the China market, it founded the cross-border E-commerce “JST Taiwan” to ship the products known as the Taiwan specialities directly across the
Gamanians are not afraid of challenges. We are equipped with exceptional courage and unbelievable energy. We have conquered impossible tasks over and over again with the implementation of a remarkable, cohesive and enterprising spirit. The relocation is an enormous task
Epic fantasy masterpiece, Forsaken World Online made its debut closed beta test and public beta test in Hong Kong in June 2011. I Swear, My Lord! closed beta test campaign was launched on June 2nd. Players who vow to gods or demons for alliance during the campaign can gain rewards in the game. Public beta test will be launched shortly after with arena and underground city opened simultaneously, the maximum level is opened up to 60 Lv. Forsaken World is a game masterpiece jointly created by many experts. GHK serves as its proxy agent. The high quality 3D scenes
The greatest and most expected 1st national CSO championship is coming! In order to rise the vigor of 《CS Online》 in FPS and attract players. The operation unit in Taiwan especially hosts the first [National CS Online Championship]. The contests are [Formal], [Inter-campus], and [Just for Fun]. 5,248 players and 896 teams are estimated to participate in the contests. There will be 945 intensive games. It will definitely be the greatest and most attractive CS contest in Taiwan ever! The first National Championship not only provides both actual and online matches. The operation unit also grants $1 million as
Everyone has a dream, be it being a superhero, or being part of a romantic love story like “Gone with the Wind,” or, you may even want to be a freedom loving Pirate of the Caribbean. No matter what your dreams are, “Gollywood” will fulfill your celebrity dreams, turning you into Gamania’s Super Star! This is the theme of Gamania’s annual year-end banquet – “The Night of Gollywood.” On the night of January 6, 2012, with a cold front over Taiwan the temperature outside is freezing, inside the NTU Stadium in Taipei, however, it is as hot as cheerful
At the start of 2012, Gamania hosted a two day long technical exchange symposium at No. 4 Park’s Huo Shui Cultural and Creative Park in Zhonghe: Gamania Agora from 1/9-1/10. Agora means “market plaza” in Greek. In ancient Greece, the market was combined with the plaza. The former was a location for trade and barter, while the latter was a place for exchange of public opinions. Gamania hopes that this can be more than just a place to present the group’s new technological achievements, that it can also become a good channel for internal technical exchanges so that Gamania’s
At the end of the year, Gamania Japan held its much anticipated year-end banquet on December 16 at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo. Activities at the banquet that day included fun-and-witty Q&A games, introductions to new Gamanians, and a mysterious guest – the Christmas Girl, adding a much fun, enjoyment, and Christmas spirit to the banquet’s atmosphere. What was it actually like at the banquet? Let’s look at some pictures and find out! ▲To ensure a successful year-end banquet, the planning team is hard at work making all the necessary preparations! ▲An introduction to the newcomers who will
Even in the cold of winter, Gamanian’s passion and enthusiasm does not diminish. On December 14, 2011 Gamania Korea rejoiced in elated spirits as it held its year-end banquet at a Korean Barbeque restaurant where you can eat barbequed meat and drink hot liquor. The restaurant specializes in Korean barbeque-style pork. Because the environment is more comfortable and open, and they provide unlimited alcoholic beverages, it has become the tradition of Gamania Korea to hold its year-end banquet at the Korean barbeque restaurant. ▲(Image source: In July of 2011, Gamania Korea established the “Tornado Studio” (TND) R&D company,
At the end of the year, although GUS did not throw a luxurious end-of-year banquet, the heart-warming Christmas luncheon was still an essential Christmas tradition. On December 16, 2011, the GUS Christmas luncheon was held in a Japanese-Style Shabu Shabu restaurant. The warm steam from the hotpots gave our American colleagues a special sense of warm and caring. Thank you, everyone, for your hard work and dedication throughout the year of 2011. Please continue your excellent work in 2012! ▲John the big guy (second from the right in the next picture) challenged Jerry (second from the left) to a
The uber-“Moe” online game, DIVINA Online packed a copious content for close best. The official characters’ voices were dubbed by renowned voice actor Norio Wakamoto (dubbed in Dragon Ball Z) and voice actress, Moe Goto (dubbed in Naughty Kiss). Players may select their favorite voice actors to go with the characters they created. Since the beginning of CB in March 10th, DIVINA Online had a head start ranking at top 5 on the first day of launch. The server opened for CB was jammed pack on the first day! This spring, DIVINA Online will give you the hottest
Last month, the unprecedented March 11 mega-quake in Japan shocked the whole world. Since then, everyone has been praying for Japan and its people. Gamanians have been following the update ever since they heard about the news. Quite a few of them even tried to acquire local status through Lync system. Fortunately, colleagues in Japan were quick to react to the disaster and everyone was safe. However, facing arduous challenges in the post-quake Japan isn’t easy, we’re sure that everyone can get back on their feet swiftly and courageously. G!Voice editor team invited Gamania Support Group which consists
February 24th , 2012, Taipei suffered from rainy spell, but inside the hotel, boiled-hot enthusiasm ran through everyone’s vein. That day marked the Gama Townhall of 1st quarter held by GHQ in 2012. This time, Gamania invited the travel writer who courageously stepped outside his comfort zone and realized his dream, Cyril Chu to share his experience and story with Gamanians. Have a good APP award conferment ceremony was also held afterwards. Three Crucial Stages in Life: Back to Zero Cyril Chu has an impressive academic achievement and once worked for a high-tech company in the
With the rise of mobile platforms, one can see the prevalence of smart phones or iPads. The applications from these mobile devices have gradually become the up and coming digital entertainment in the market. To encourage Gamanians’ innovation and creativity and to use imagination and professional expertise to propose good ideas, Gamania launched a Have a good App contest in 2011 followed by the success of Have a good IDEA contest in 2008. The total amount of proposal submission surged from 42 pieces in 2008 to 93 in 2011 and the contestants range from Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea and
2011年のクリスマス、GHKは遊びまくり食べまくるクリスマスパーティーを催しました。イベントのテーマはオフィスのアイデアレイアウトで、競技は計7組に分かれて行われました。各組とも知恵を絞って、他の人とは違う異なる特色を持ったテーマでレイアウトデザインを行いましたが、その中にはもちろんクリスマスの要素が含まれていなければなりません。審査員はGHKの最高執行責任者であるYaling、ファイアドッグの最高執行責任者であるGabrielがそれぞれ審査を行いました。負けた部門の仲間たちは当日、イベントの後片付けを手伝わなければなりません! 部門レイアウトテーマDS Harry PotterCMHAWAIICOO+FN+HR 民族GDM+MB少林寺PMアダルトスタイルIT MUSICPLS-HK エコロジー チャンピオン-「PM:アダルトスタイル」 当日の最高得点はPMでした!アダルトスタイルは彼らにとって全く問題ではありませんでした。多彩な人材が揃うPMの仲間たちのコスチュームもレイアウトも十分笑えるものでした。 第2位-DS: Harry Potter レイアウトなんて美術部門にしてみれば簡単でしょう?!工夫を凝らし、テーマに合った内装と雰囲気に満ちた電飾は本当にロマンチック~。 第3位-「GDM + MB:少林寺」 その他部門のレイアウトIT:MUSIC CM:HAWAII COO + FN + HR:民族 PLS-HK:エコロジー ガマニア人バザー大会 私たちがクリスマスで喜びと楽しみに浸っている時、世界のもう一方ではどんな生活をしているか考えたことはありますか?今年私たちは特別にガマニアバザー大会を開催しました。バザーに出品された品物は全てアフリカ現地の人々の手作りによるもので、たいへん美しい品物ばかりです。バザーの全ての売上は慈善団体に寄付し、より多くの社会的弱者の子どもたちが優れた教育を受け、生活環境を改善するために役立てられます。バザーはで他人を助けるだけではなく、同時に買い物の楽しさも味わえます! プレゼント強奪大抽選会 今年のプレゼント交換の方法は、抽選形式によって行われました。特別なのは先にプレゼントを手にした人が有利だとは限らないことです。なぜなら次の人があなたのプレゼントを奪うことができるからです! ルールは次の通り: 1. それぞれが持ち寄ったプレゼントをある位置に集めます。 2. プレゼントを選ぶ順序を抽選で決めます(この部分はGHK-IS-Ireneが当日に抽選を行う)。 3. 最初にプレゼントを選ぶ人はPoolの中からのみプレゼントを1つ選ぶことができます。 2番目にプレゼントを選ぶ人には2つの選択肢があります。1. 最初(即ち前の順番の人)が開封したプレ 5. 3番目の人も2番目の人のようにします。Poolの中から選ぶか、もしくは前の順番の人が開封したプレゼントを選びます。 ▲お気に入りのプレゼントが奪われる感覚は……とても辛いものです。全く残酷なゲームです。 関さんの少林寺僧が盛り上げる そうです!また彼です……GDM + MBの少林寺テーマレイアウトが負けたわけではありませんでしたが、仲間の関さんはパーティーを盛り上げるという運命からは逃れられませんでした。 ▲華やかすぎる登場に、僧侶姿の関さんも喜びの表情を隠しきれません! ▲ GUS-COO Davidが記念撮影を頼んでいました!
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