With the rise of mobile platforms, one can see the prevalence of smart phones or iPads. The applications from these mobile devices have gradually become the up and coming digital entertainment in the market. To encourage Gamanians’ innovation and creativity and to use imagination and professional expertise to propose good ideas, Gamania launched a Have a good App contest in 2011 followed by the success of Have a good IDEA contest in 2008. The total amount of proposal submission surged from 42 pieces in 2008 to 93 in 2011 and the contestants range from Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea and Europe. It is fierce and competitive!

This App proposal contest was divided into Application group and Game group. After fervent competition, 9 pieces were selected for the Application group, and 12 for Game group to be feature in the final round. If you wish to see these 21 exceptional proposals, be sure to make way to the special exhibition held in SPACE 17 in the headquarter in late March.

After rounds of review and assessment, the final round was carried out on February 1st and 3rd 2012 respectively on the 18th floor, big-mouth garden. The contestants brought props and support groups to the scene, some even dressed up in Cosplay style, the atmosphere was tense but convivial.

During the two-day final cut, the judging panel took into consideration in terms of logical and clear theme, creativity & application, originality, market acceptability and execution ability and finally came up with three winners for Application Group and Game Group respectively. The Award winner will receive NTD50,000 and a trophy. CEO Albert will personally confer the prizes to the winners during Gama-townhall at GHQ on February 24th 2012.

▲Judges had fierce debates over contestants’ proposals.

▲Albert conferred the awards to the winners during Gama-townhall.