How do you associate “Coke” with “staying fit”?
We all know that Diet Coke might a better choice than regular Coke for one’s guilty pleasure. But did you know that the brand of Diet Coke now stands for slimness? Diet Coke’s latest publicity stunt in Paris is the “Slender Vendor,” a vending machine that’s only 7 inches wide to show how “famously fit and elegant” Diet Coke is. Get it? Not only does it fit nicely in narrow spaces, it is now everywhere: in the middle of sidewalks, in bowling allies, between treadmills in fitness centers… etc. In short, Diet Coke is in it to “fit beautifully into one's lifestyle.” The Slender Vendor achieved the impossible: It presents itself with a novel idea that stands out among traditional marketing attempts. By “keeping it thin”, Diet Coke reminds you it saves sugar and calories compared to a regular soda.
Diet Coke Presents: The Slender Vender
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