Its starts from iPhone 3G
People might think that I was born an apple fan from the beginning. That is not true! Before my iPhone, I never owned any apple product. However, 4 years into the smartphone era, I am considered as one of the “veteran” users of apple. My idea of a smartphone started out like this: It must have an actual keypad with a stylus, able to install millions of apps that probably cost a fortune. My expectations for the new generation of smartphones were not particularly high, either. However, the iPhone changed all this. No matter comparing it with my former Palm Treo 650, or the Sony Ericsson P1i, their difference with the iPhone was like heaven and hell.
iPhone was such a convenience that I experienced what it meant to “own a phone, and hold the world in your palm”. The 1st day iPad was launched, I rewarded myself with the intention of replacing my notebook with a single iPad. “Say goodbye to those days of carrying a heavy laptop to work– and, hello, iPad”, I thought.
You can only blame yourself for working on iPad: It is torture!
My job requires not that high specs, yet involves constant email exchanges, writing articles, presentations and playing video demos. An iPad can cover all of this without problem. However… Using a virtual keyboard to compose long articles is a painful thing.
I was literally in agony, especially when I know I’m a really, really fast typer in both Chinese and English! I purchased a keyboard to compensate for this. “So this would fix everything,” I assumed. Boy, was I wrong! It rightfully solved my issue with typing speed, yet my time was still consumed jumping from software to software. For example, I needed to do some research on the internet while writing my piece. I needed to check typos, editing my paragraphs, and use my mouse from time to time. My fingers shifted from the keyboard to the tablet, back and forth like crazy. Eventually I gave up. You’ve got to admit, it’s much easier just to use a notebook!
▲Everything seems to work out better on a keyboard. That only solves half of the problem.
Going back to the basics: iPhone contacts + GPS records, iPad readings, Macbook projects… These are the right choices
“Hey! Are you listening to what I say!” Steve Jobs has talked about this a long time ago, but I didn’t understand it at the moment. I need to experience it to believe it. It is true that iPhone and iPad differs only in the fact that one can make phone calls, and the other can’t. It is basically the same thing. If someone insists that “something can only be done on iPhone, or vice versa”, I have no objection to that either. It’s the same as picking your kid up after school driving in a tour bus. You can still accomplish the mission, yet…
This is how I differentiate the two:
Only on iPhone, and not on iPad/Macbook: (Contacts + GPS records, portable and always on me)
Phonecalls / Texting / MSG / Photos / Balance book / GPS / Stock market info / Transportation info (HSR/Bus)
Only on iPad: (Reading stuff after getting up, before going to bed or when I just feel like it)
E-books / E-magazines / News streams / Flipboard /PPS
Only on Mac: (Work)
Office work / Editing or reading video clips
The above tasks are for every specific projects, and unless I have to, I never use them on any other device. Some apps are compatible on several instruments, but I always only install them on only one. Besides from that, for more casual things, I just opt for any one of the three as I please.
I deliberately divided the functions of these 3 apple products as a means to “clarify what each of them mean to me through limitation”. Pretty cool, huh?
Source: apple
About the author
Internet Marketing Observer: Mika
Born in the 60s, and enrolled in the consumer marketing industry for over a decade.
Experienced Brand Strategic Planning, Product Innovation and all the way to Product Launching and Marketing.
Follows the status of traditional marketing as well as changes in Web2. 0 and Social Media.
Our blog: jabamay. blogspot. com