Lisbeth Salander, an independent female hacker, is thin, small, and pale. A doctor diagnosed that Lisbeth was schizophrenic when she was a child. Later, the trustworthy legal custodian had a stroke and the new custodian bullied and tortured her. Thus, she decided to fight violence with violence and challenge the powerful patriarchy. She always dresses like a punk and has eyebrow holes, nose holes and a dragon tattoo on her right shoulder. She has a disobedient outlook but still craves for true love.
A journalist called Mikael Blomkvist, who is famous for finding truth, was paid by Henrik Vanger to write the history of the Vanger family and investigate Harriet, who is one of his relatives and has been missing for 40 years. Mikael hires Salander to gather information for him because of her hacking techniques. In a life-or-death situation, their love begins. Their love doesn’t begin in romantic atmosphere but in the mysterious and nervous atmosphere in the chilly north country. The viewers will hold their breath and won’t move their eyes from the screen because the movie is so exciting.

Leading a Craze Cross-industrial Cooperation with H&M
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an awarding crime fiction written by Stieg Larsson, a Swedish writer. It won Sweden’s Glass Key Award in 2006 for best crime novel of the year. Every thread is carefully arranged and intertwined like a cobweb. The movie is a real cliffhanger and leads readers to investigate and find out the cruel truth. The vivid and interesting description makes readers to continue to read without stop and even spend all night finishing reading. The novel of the moment has been put on the screen and there are Swedish and American versions, which are directed by the famous director, David Andrew Leo Fincher. The stylist of the American version, Trish Summerville, even cooperates with H&M to produce Salander punk series, which has reached great sales performance. The book is suitable for the readers who like suspense and crime novels and new-generation women with feminism. Once opening the book, you will be indulged in the cold, violence and mysterious world created by Larsson.