
Annual Group Technical Presentation Gamania Agora Technical Exchange Symposium

At the start of 2012, Gamania hosted a two day long technical exchange symposium at No. 4 Park’s Huo Shui Cultural and Creative Park in Zhonghe: Gamania Agora from 1/9-1/10. Agora means “market plaza” in Greek. In ancient Greece, the market was combined with the plaza. The former was a location for trade and barter, while the latter was a place for exchange of public opinions. Gamania hopes that this can be more than just a place to present the group’s new technological achievements, that it can also become a good channel for internal technical exchanges so that Gamania’s innovative technologies may be utilized more effectively so that they generate maximum value.

On the day of the event, Albert was also present at the scene. He stated that, “in the past, this conference was called GGS (Gamania Global Seminar). Since Gamania began hosting an independent game show last year, we discovered that the name GGS (Gamania Game Show) was easier to remember and more appropriate. This is the reason that the conference name has officially been changed to Gamania Agora starting this year. The name change also signifies new change within the symposium. In the past, conference topics included operations and R&D topics. Starting this year, Gamania Agora will focus on technical topics instead and be held once a year.  

Through this exchange and symposium, Albert hopes to reach two long term goals: “one is to develop technology here where business and R&D units everywhere can purchase. The revenue generated through this means will become the basis for calculating bonuses for development units, as a way to motivate technical personnel and their dedication towards support while also encouraging lively submission of technologies. Second is that when R&D units are attempting to develop technologies which exist in certain units within the group, we can purchase this existing technology directly from the other party. The act of purchasing not only lowers development cost, it also shortens the development schedule. The positive effect of this can be reflected on the purchasing and sales ends, both of which are internal units. This is the first large attempt of its kind within the group, and the hope is to reach maximum efficacy through combining the two!

Gamania Agora revolves around three major fields: information technology, R&D, and patents. Through the technology exhibition and seminars on site, Gamania’s capacity for innovative technology is showcased in one place. There are a total of 12 seminars throughout the 2 day event, with three major technical exhibition areas on site: the information technology area, R&D area, and patent area. Gamanian colleagues are stationed at each area to provide explanations so that colleagues who wish to learn more after the seminars may gain further info through on site exhibitions.

Albert’s wish, “If we can hold cross-region, cross realm exchanges on technologies developed within Gamania, and even begin to use them internally, this will lower cost to eh group, as well as expand market development!” The organizer stated that there are further plans to place videos of Gamania Agora seminars on the group’s internal website so that colleagues who did not get to participate can also take a peek at the new technology unveiled this year.

▲Many colleagues from overseas attended the conference, so oral interpreters were present on site.  

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