
Mind Inspiration: Humanity Counts

Looking back to what users want

How does a good idea stand out among others in the sea of inspiration? We need to ask ourselves. . . Where does the problem lie, exactly? 

      “The Question is always inside us”

That fact is, we need a “user-oriented, innovative, interactive and practical method to figure out the best concept and ultimate plan”. That is the heart of Design Thinking: humanity. Through observation and key interviews, the problem can be truly pinpointed and tackled with; that is the spirit of what ideas are all about.

For example, one of IDEO’s past clients is the biggest bank in Spain, BBVA. The goal was to attract more users to their ATMs, as a means to reduce cost for the bank’s human resources. BBVA’s tech team also developed a brand new tactile sensor and security system to support the ATM promotion. 

IDEO put themselves in the shoes of the user, and noticed that convenience, and the sense of security, is needed when withdrawing money in public. Most ATMs stand in a corner, with a long line of people waiting behind the current user. This causes stress once he or she presses the wrong button, not being able to see the others’ reactions. What IDEO did was. . . . . . Rotate the machine so that it wasn’t facing a corner anymore. The withdrawer can now monitor the queue nearby, instead of constantly looking over a shoulder.
Surprised? There was no fancy technology or jaw-dropping expenses involved. It was invented to meet a simple need, involving what people do on a daily basis. That is what “real necessity” is all about. 
TIP! Observe the World, Find a Solution
Tim Brown:“To replace what we now know, and select from what we imagine” 
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