In order to unite and gather fair opinions from different departments, our company presents you with our very own social platform: GamaVille. Surely everyone is familiar with Facebook, yet it is more personal-oriented. On the other hand, GamaVille offers the same model with the framework of our work environment. GamaVille is not a rigid, bureaucratic site, though. This platform not only can elevate work efficiency. It also embodies the spirit of Playwork, and aims for employees to have fun at work.

▲GamaVille has stream feeds similar to those on Facebook. It will update you on your friends’ latest events, actions and posts!
Use GamaVille to improve skills
No one can argue that our professions are one of the most important parts of our lives, yet in a corporation like Gamania, it is hard to become familiar to every aspect. GamaVille is a good approach to learn more about your co-workers, and also be exposed to news that you might not have been aware of before: “Wow, I never knew Gama Island Hualien branch was so original! I might as well go for a visit!” …etc, there are much surprises yet to be discovered.

▲In order to add a friend or join a group, use the GamaVille tool bar to search a user or a topic!
Important company notices no longer have to be made using lengthy emails that spam your inbox. Click the announcement tab on the tool bar to browse the latest updates, or even history messages. There is no better way to get a crash course of our company’s direction.

▲The GamaVille main panel includes the following functions (from left to right): Notifications, Events, Friend Requests, Announcements and WorkFlow.
Users can start their own string discussions according to different needs. Create a group based on your own interest and hobbies to find others that have similar preferences. Enroll yourself in different divisions and organization, too, to get a peek what your colleagues’ work involve.

▲GamaVille has a lot of different groups for each gamanian to choose from.
You can also create your own group and invite others to participate. Besides groups, GamaVille collects the most visited sites for every gamanian’s reference. For example, gamanians can read the newest issue of G!Voice, and so on.

▲The hyperlink section consists of shortcuts to the most visited groups or sites.
No matter if you are on vacation or a business trip, the GamaVille Mobile supports both IOS and Android systems. Gamanians have access to the ville via Safari and Chrome alike, without missing anything! Of course, check-ins are a must; let others know where you are at this very moment!
Tips for upgrading through GamaVille
GamaVille is really a fun place, we have collected some reflections on how this platform is integrated in daily life in this month’s issue: “What skills do you think GamaVille improves?” Most believe that GamaVille contributes to:
Youth Skills: A heart on the look out for freshness
GTW -Thea Wang | SNS’ best feature is its basis on every-day chats. Through accessible tools, you can host events, submit articles, share ideas and etc. |
GHQ -Lucy Chuang | GamaVille is also a platform for connecting with other on a personal level, for example: The Rock Dreams group allows users to share and discuss their favorite music with fellow rock lovers. |
Social Skills: From simple friendships to partners in the office
GTW -Thea Wang | There are no borders, and you can interact directly with each unit or executive level on a same subject. |
GHQ -Eva Lee | The GamaVille friend list function gives us a platform to exchange information and allows us to get to know each other in a deeper sense. |
Communication Skills: Becoming versatile in public and private
GTW -Thea Wang | Provides a wide variety of topics that are not only interesting, but educational, too. |
GHK -Maggie Cheng | Takes on a fraternity system that connects senior and new gamanians. Seniors can give advice and share their past experiences to others through the GamaVille platform, and the “freshmen” can take on the suggestions and pass what they learned down in the future. |
Professional Skills: Absorbing others’ experiences
GHQ -Eva Lee | Implement “Have a good IDEA” to the Creativity Forum |
GHQ -Yoyo Dai |
Gather information via GamaVille groups, including: 【Creativity Forum】: A innovative way of sharing original ideas. 【Agora】: For exchanging technological discussions. |
GHQ -Lucy Chuang | Allows us to sort groups according to different work-related fields. We can be more efficient by creating a personalized database and improve our professional skills. |
GHQ -Zero Chen | Categorized groups are created between department and branches, professionally speaking. For instance, the MIS team has its own group: https: //sns. gamania. com/GroupWall/504 that you can subscribe and be informed on related news. |
GamaVille is a network that combines the wisdom and opinions of each gamanian respectively. It is a unique culture that belongs to our corporation, and is a great place for both work and recreation. You will find out soon how useful GamaVille could be for upgrading skills!
GamaVille: https://sns.gamania.com (For Gamanians Only)
Source: deviantART