There is a kind of revolution that doesn’t require human sacrifice, or mobilization, or hatred or fanfare, it starts from the self!
Every mini revolution can change the society bit by bit. Once we gather enough “bits”, this world could be a better place.
G!VOICE collected a series of mini revolutions done by Gamanians. Let’s hear their hot-blooded declarations. We bet you can’t wait to start one of your own to make the world a different place after reading it.
[ 1 ] Bottle caps can be a kind of revolution

Name: Bruce yang
Unit: GJP-Product Development Department
Mini revolution initiation: to collect bottle caps
A simple gesture: finish your drink, collect the bottle cap and throw the bottle away. Such an easy thing can actually help children in Africa to get vaccinated. Even though you don’t know them and will probably never meet them, they get to live healthily for your trivial contribution.
Reference website:
[ 2 ] Body Liberation

Name: Lawrence Kwan
Unit: GHK-Media Business Department
Mini revolution initiation: abandon the habit of wearing underwear and try to be as close to nature as possible.
Since I’ve stopped wearing any underwear, my body is no longer “restricted” and that’s also the same way I feel about my work. I’m not longer constrained by things which also apply to my ability at work.
[ 3 ] Bookkeeping Revolution: Saving every Penny

Name: Milam Wong
Unit: GHK-Design Department
Mini revolution initiation: write down every expense and where I spend money.
I find that my monthly expense is often higher than my expectation, so I’ve decided to record my personal balance. I analyze my income and expenditure ratio every month and avoid or reduce unnecessary expenses to save for the rainy days. Look! This is my account books, highly confidential! (lol)
[ 4 ] Watch the Dart Revolution

Name: Me Ku
Unit: GHK-Product Team
Mini revolution initiation: to meet other type of friends through playing darts.
Through meeting different types of people, I get to expand my social circles, stepping out of my comfort zone and enriching the lives of othe
[ 5 ] Roaming in the Clouds Revolution

Name: Juiting Huang
Unit: GJP-Corporate Strategy Department
Mini revolution initiation: Climbing! Climbing! Climbing!
I want to climb every famous mountain in Japan and return my body and soul to mother Nature.
[ 6 ] Run, Revolution!

Name: Chiaki Yoshida
Unit: GJP-Finance and Accounting Department
Mini revolution initiation: Run! Run! Run! Hosting regular GJP marathons.
You can look for hot studs while running a marathon (just kidding!) Actually I want to share the special feeling of running a marathon with my work partners.
[ 7 ] A Different Birthday Revolution

Name: Jean Lee
Unit: GTW-Game Operating Team II
Mini revolution initiation: birthday celebration revolution! To celebrate Gamanians’ birthdays in the most unique way possible!
As a Gamanian, in addition to using our creativity on games, we could also make our birthdays special and creative! Who says birthday celebration is all about singing happy birthday song and eating cakes? I want to design different celebration for each Gamanian, leaving them lasting impressions on their birthdays, that is the true birthday revolution!
[ 8 ] Smiley Revolution

Name: Tree Wang
Unit: GTW-Tele-Services Department
Mini revolution initiation: to make people around me smile every day.
Smile is a highly contagious medium. It can eradicate negative energy and is good for physical and mental health. We should fill ou
[ 9 ] Turn-it-off Revolution

Name: Nasa Tsai
Unit: GTW-Chief Operation Office
Mini revolution initiation: Save the world! Turn your engine off to save the earth! When you stop your motor vehicles at the traffic light and realize you need to wait for at least 30 seconds before green light, turn the engine off!
This is an old-school way of saving the earth! I’m also very pleased to stay in a corporation (Gamania) that doesn’t pollute the earth.
[ 10 ] 50 Dollar Revolution

Name: Cora Chen
Unit: GTW-Chief Operation Office
Mini revolution initiation: every time I get a NT50 coin, I save it up. (currently I’ve saved up to almost NTD20,000)
A small gesture of forced saving! Stick to it! Willpower!
[ 11 ] Beauty of Taiwan: Photography Revolution

Name: Gmin Huang
Unit: GTW-In Game Service
Mini revolution initiation: to document famous scenic sights in Taiwan with my camera every month.
I want to do this by season or month and take pictures of notable events of that month such as sky lanterns, cherry blossoms etc. I hope to make a special calendar with representative picture for each month.