You have surely heard of many scientists who have had to overcome multiple failures and obstacles such as funding, environment, and the market before their inventions went public. Take the Wright brothers for example. With only high school educations, the two initially used their mechanical expertise to run a bicycle
A data revolution sparked by big data is now underway, to uncover valuable information from immense amounts of information to develop smarter products that better meet users’ needs and resolve what was unsolvable in the past. The rise of wearable technology will be an important part of the big data
Are single function apps superior to multi-purpose apps? Since the App Store was launched in 2008, this issue has gone under constant debate. A consensus was finally reached after analysis of data such as user preferences and usage behavior over the past few years. An overwhelming trend is now sweeping
Social websites have become key locations for brand marketing in recent years. Brands allocate significant budgets to purchase ads and host events on social websites in order to generate more fans, likes, messages, and shares. Social websites allow them to forge close links to their consumers in a rapid, low-cost
In the summer of 1994, Thomas was having afternoon tea with colleagues in the break room. Steve Jobs walked in, started making a bagel and asked: "Who do you think is the most powerful person in the world?" Thomas immediately replied: "Nelson Mandela!" Jobs, in his usual confident manner, said:
Born to play and to have fun, such is the strong brand character and culture of Gamania. Whether it is in space, sound, office stationary, everywhere you see you could feel the vibrant, vigorous energy of Gamania. GamaGarden was born in April, 2012, it is the brainchild of Gamania, inheriting Gamania’s style. The minute you step into GamaGarden, you could feel that strong element of play and fun! G!VOICE invited the planner, Rainbow and desiner, Kevin from Brand Center to talk about the brand concept of GamaGarden. ▲The design of GamaGarden’s brand image was planned and executed by Kevin
▲ ’Concentric Circle’ event held during Gama-Together camp on Gamania Festival, 2006. ‘Talent’ is the basic unit for constituting a company. How a company makes its staff feel sense of happiness at work has become an important issue for all companies nowadays. Generally speaking, the style of business owner decides the operation of the company and corporate culture. In the current stage of Taiwanese traditional job market, business owners tend to place ‘task demand’ over ‘corporate sharing’ and consequently making staff feel a bit left out and on the brink of feeling unhappy. 1111 Job Bank conducted a questionnaire
About the Gamer: It started out by farming mobs for her brother’s character, yet ended up so enticed by the game that she ended up the most avid gamer in her family. She even got her parents to play, too! Just like that, Shauna embarked on a 10-year, love-hate relationship with Lineage. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Senior Gamer: Shuan First time encountering online games: 2002 Played Lineage for: 11 years (ongoing) Class: Elf Longest consecutive play: 36 hrs Greatest fear: Cheetos ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ▲ Shuan was noted as one of the hottest Lineage gamers of all-time. The magazine Talker contains many interviews with
About the Gamer: Lunami’s name is very well-known among the Lineage community. When she first entered the world of online games back in 2001, it took her only a short period of time to become one of the top level players. She also won the Lineage Trivia award on and gained celebrity-status thereafter. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Senior Gamer: Lunami First time encountering online games: 2001 Played Lineage for: 10 years Class: Princess Longest consecutive play: 18 hrs Interest: Cosplaying OLG characters ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ▲ Lunami was noted as one of the hottest Lineage gamers of all-time. The magazine Talker contains many
18 is the legal age for driving, drinking or voting in many cultures. It is the year you start making your own choices, and the year you become fully responsible for your own decisions and actions. The year 18 marks the first milestone in life for many. What do you remember most about yourself at 18? Check out the results below! Up to 41% Gamanians recall their crazy pasts of having reckless fun when they were 18. 23% noted the frustration of entering college and taking national exams. 10% reminisce the younger version of themselves as a time of
Gamania is a people-oriented company. It has always been a place where attention to employees’ welfare and working conditions come before anything else. However, as our Gama Island (GHQ) provides all-rounded meals throughout the day, we have noticed that our fellow Gamanians are... gaining a lot of weight! Thanks to our gym, we haven’t blown up too much just yet. Imagine what it would be like without those treadmills on 2F! In order to look deeper into this, G!Voice launched a survey to find out just how many of us our getting mysteriously chubbier. Our investigation concludes that,
Exclusively for the 100% Gamanians! Gamania’s good efforts of creating a brand culture has impressed and set examples for this industry over the years. We had all kinds of Gama Outfits to match our Gamania spirit in and out! So what are these outfits, exactly? Prepare yourself for a fashion-crazy wake-up call here on G!Voice! See which collection you’re missing! Earlier Products 2007 The GA95 Collection 2007 SPACE 17 Gold/Silver T-shirts 2007 Customer Center Products 2008 The Gamania Corp. Jacket 2010 Gamania 15th Anniversary 2011 The Gamania Corp. Collection 2011 Density Street Style Fashionwear
As a 18-year-old enterprise, it is not easy to always stay fresh and adaptable to new circumstances all the time. Today, G!Voice puts together a list of must-reads for our fellow Gamanians to remind us: “Stay Young”. Here’s to the nostalgic fans of Gamania readers 18 years back! ▲2007 Gamania Motivational Readings ▲2008 Gamania Brand Book ▲2010 Gamania Image Book ▲ 2002-2008 A Guide to the Gamania Corporation. ▲ A true Gamania Classic! ▲ G!Voice has always been an iconic embodiment of what the brand “Gamania” is about. To stay in touch with the Gama Spirit, you can always
Our 18 years of history left a trail of collectible office supplies that we all take pride in owning. No matter if it’s on your desk, in your drawer, at your feet, attached to your bike, or kept at home... It makes you exclusively a “Gamanian”! Check out what you’re missing! 1. The Gama Mug Collection 2. Gama Stationary ▲ Gamania file holders. ▲ This package is only for Gamanians! We can’t do without it! ▲ Gash chubby pens. With the vintage GASH logo! 3. Gamania ID cards ▲ Old swipe card holders (left). The new swipe card holders
The GAMAbuddy is one of the most important symbols among us Gamanians. This month, G!Voice wishes to reminds you how often this little fellow pops up around you on a daily basis! Where do we usually see our little friend? Let’s take a look, shall we? ▲ Our mascot greets us every day when we set foot in Gama Island. ▲ It loves to watch us exercise during noontime at the gym. ▲ Or when we enjoy our afternoon tea, or share a smoke outside of Gama Island. ▲ GAMAbuddy’s favorite hobby is gazing out of display windows and
What expectations did the past have for the future? Why did our world today turn out the way it is? Have you ever wondered about these questions? 100 years again, 19th century artist Jean-Marc Côté illustrated a series of images titled “Visions of the Year 2000”. Let’s see how well his predictions fit with our modern society nowadays! The future in the eyes of the past How we imagined the future 100 years ago Present day Super cleaning robots Autonomous vacuum cleaners Achievement: 130% Even though the robot is doing all the work, it is still
Doraemon was introduced in 1970 by Fujiko Fujio, and immediately became a household favorite to children and adults alike. The artist, Fujiko Fujio, designed Doraemon with a magic pocket that could pull out any gadget to solve any problems that occur in daily life. Because of its relativeness with the common people, Doraemon’s “inventions” are things we really hope to have in real life. According to Wikipedia, Doraemon has presented 1,963 items (2,000 including gadgets in animated versions) to date. 2012 is exactly 100 years before Doraemon’s birth date. The “100 years before the birth of DORAEMON” exhibition
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