A New Rising IP Star! How Angry Birds Won Over the App World
Promoting a character intellectual property is not an easy task. It calls for solid public recognition and constant daily-life references. Since 2009, Angry Birds has
Promoting a character intellectual property is not an easy task. It calls for solid public recognition and constant daily-life references. Since 2009, Angry Birds has
Superman, Hello Kitty, Disney, and Angry Birds. By now you already now what intellectual property is all about. Actually, here in Gamania, we also have
【Gama News】 Gamania collaborates with the legendary Japan games company SEGA for the very first time! The highly anticipated PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 (PSO2) will
【GamaBears】Gamania’s GamaBears started their very own LOL team this April. They impressed everyone by entering the WGT2013 (World Gamemaster Tournament) on June 15th and 16th
【Gama News】 Gamania’s classic action game Continent of the Ninth OB starts on July 4th! Besides presents the highly anticipated new class, the Witch Blade,
Gama Speech Presentation “You need to know who you are before you can be creative with life. The most important thing is identity. Every thought
每年端午節是正逢太陽直射北半球之時,除了炎炎夏日是端午節的一大特徵之外,也因為太陽直射北半球的緣故,太陽引力與地心引力相互拉扯,恰巧形成兩股反方向的拉扯力量,作用在雞蛋上,就容易使蛋直立起來;也有一個說法是,此時正逢陽剛正氣匯集之時,因此連平常不容易站立的雞蛋都可以立起來。更有不少人相信,若在端午的正午時分立蛋成功,來年將會一整年都會獲得好運! 獨家揭露!2吋小橘人披粽葉裝亮相! 在2013年的夏天,Gamania獨家限定的2吋小橘人公仔披上粽葉裝首次登場啦!這是今年端午節的企業贈品-小橘人立蛋組!希望藉由小橘人為您立蛋,進而凝聚更多的好運! ▲小橘人立蛋組裡的2吋小橘人四肢設計都是可以轉動的,以更活潑的風格與大家見面! ▲這顆蛋裡裝的是特別訂製的橘子迴紋針與粽子迴紋針喔!另外裡面的泡棉膠是小橘人立蛋組組裝的材料。 ▲再將泡棉膠固定於2吋小橘人和蛋的底端,就大功告成了! 在大家的眾目睽睽之下,2吋小橘人已經成功登場!接下來2吋小橘人還會以甚麼造型出現呢?敬請期待! 2吋小橘人設計與演變過程請看這篇文末。
DC Comics is the oldest and largest comic book companies in the United States, owning over 1,000 well-known characters — mostly superheroes. This includes the
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