
R&D Annual Exchange: Gamania Developers Exchange (gdex)

gdex 2012Gamania Developers ExchangeOfficial Launch: July 2nd -13th !


A good R&D organization, in addition to having a well-rounded talent pool, creativity encouraging environment and an efficient R&D management process, another crucial key is whether or not it could establish a sound sharing culture. 

Research and developing games is a creative-intensive job. The sources and materials for creativity come from all kinds of daily experiences. These are the elements that R&D persons get in contact with on daily basis and then internalize them into creativity. This is why R&D people get to create more fabulous games. Through a organized event by GHQ, this would be a good way for R&D people to absorb all the elements at once. 

Group R&D started to host internal sharing sessions, similar to Game Developers Conference since 2008. During the sharing sessions, all the R&D people could hear about new trend and information through the colleagues who sent to GDC. The content of the sharing session includes introduction of new technology (team/individual), new work presentation, developing or operation experiencesharing, R&D strategy, promotion of regulation and feedbacks from colleagues attending large overseas R&D events etc. In addition, Group had also invited renowned producers (domestic and overseas), creative designers or trend analyst from relevant digital and creativity industries to share their experiences. Such event was finally given a name last year, Gamania Developers Exchange (gdex). 

This year’s gdex is a continuation of last year’s exceptional result. gdex 2012 was held for two weeks (July 2nd -13th), covering sharing session by Gamanians who were designated to attend GDC in the States, so that everyone could know about the latest knowledge and technology at the front line. There were a total of 27 forums and these will be the uber-limited, crème de la crème courses!  

During the two weeks’gdex 2012, 27 forums were held. 


G!VOICE attended two of the forums and now we will share with you the exciting content! 


Forum: How to use movie soundtrack technology to enhance the quality of the game? 

Speaker: Wong Kin-Wai

In this year’s lecture series we invited Mr. Wang Kin-Wai, the renowned Hong Kong composer for the game, Tiara Concerto, to share with Gamanians how he used movie soundtrack to enhance the quality of the game. 

Lecturer, Wang Kin-Wai, notable composer from Hong Kong presented the game scenes along with the soundtrack. 


Mr. Wang is the rising star in commercial/movie score composition. He often composed soundtrack for Chinese movies along with maestro, Peter Kam. During the lecture, he also shared the creative process of making the soundtrack for Tiara Concerto and the experience of flying over to Czech to record orchestra. The lecture was both interesting and practical. 


Forum: Usability Boot Camp

Speaker: Jing-Yi, Lin

In addition to inviting overseas guest speakers, gdex also hosted a Usability Boot Camp to ‘mobilize’Gamanians. The speaker was the director of UI design center, Jing-Yi, Lin. Through the actual maneuver and practice in the workshop, each team member got to experience and operate ‘card sorting’ and user test simulation. Gamanians got to incorporate users’ perspectives into their designs. 

Director of UI design center, Jing-Yi, Lin was introducing Card Sorting for everyone. 

Gamanians wrote down different category in each card and sorted the cards out. 


Through card sorting, one may learn some skills for easy user observation and testing and it also helps one to develop and test the logic structure and design correctly through users’ point of views. 

Such rewarding courses and lectures pave the way for gdex to become an important event for all R&D Gamanians to recharge their ‘batteries’. Through the power of exchange, we could expect our R&D strength to grow exponentially. 





For more information about gdex, please visit internal website: 


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