Famous Astronaut Armstrong said, “One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind.” Now the scene shifted to Angry Birds, the moment when it is about to be flung what would it say? Would it snicker? Would its feather fall?
Videos about Angry Birds never disappoint me, and they always make me laugh! The Space edition of Angry Birds was launched on March 22. About a month ago, its official website released this video and quickly created sensational talk around the space edition.
The video was inspired from true humor, the good kind of creativity. The creative team under such massive game product is truly like a development team. They play around all kinds of ideas in the video. The familiar scene of astronaut on the moon, the familiar buzz sound of electric wave. However, there should’ve been an American flag on the moon, but it was turned into a slingshot. That’s right, the slingshot that all players are familiar with!
In the trailer, there is no appearance of 2D birds or pigs, no scenes from the game and of course no player would expect Armstrong would actually appear in the game. However, the video fully conveyed the sense of fun to play ‘in the space’. Dialogues such as ‘Stop jumping’, ‘Would you let me show you how to do it’ etc that you wouldn’t normally associate with ‘astronauts’ successfully induce players’ imagination.
I’m dying to know in the space edition, is it really zero-gravity? Do I need to wear oxygen mask? Will there be aliens? Are there props like ray guns? Desperate as I am, I will definitely spend money on the original copy.
Angry Birds Space: Discovery
About Author
Bruce participated in various domestic and international commercial production, film launch and theater marketing; worked in creative script team of Beijing Branch, Densu Group (Japan); worked as a director for Gamania. He currently served as section manager in product development department in GJP.