Quotes inspire creativity, except the clichés we were forced to memorize in school. If you still think quotes are clichés, you should definitely read this book. Many people find relief in trolling, making Dee Hsu and “negative energy” fan pages more popular than ever. This book collects vicious yet truthful quotes from many people whose dark humor may help you find a new outlook in life.
Mahatma Gandhi dedicated his life to peace movements. As a humanitarian hero, his non-violence movements led India to independence. One of the jaw-dropping quotes from Gandhi was,” I first learned the concept of non-violence movement from my marriage.” I couldn’t help but crack a smile when I read it. A national hero endured family power struggles just like any of us! Did he have a fierce wife? I believe Gandhi was celebrating his daily life with a sense of humor and self-mockery. If you want to use a sense of humor to deal with troubles in life, this book is a must!

▲ Eric Grzymkowski