When it comes to work, Gamanians are always in the lead, having mastered the skill of setting targets, then surpassing them! But when it comes to the body, people are often completely clueless. They don’t know what’s happening, and don’t know how to set things right. This time, “SPACE 17” organized the “Fit Body, Fit Mind” themed exhibition to teach Gamanians how to get that healthy, toned body in their spare time!
To introduce Gamanians to the secrets of body weight numbers, the “Fit Body, Fit Mind” exhibition provided the formulae for BMI and body fat percentage. As a thoughtful touch, a calculator and scale was also on-hand. If Gamanians aren’t satisfied with their body shape, the exhibition also featured an illustrated guide on toning the body without equipment so everyone can exercise at home or in the office.

▲ The body fat meter proved very popular during the exhibition.

▲ A large calculator was thoughtfully provided so you can calculate your BMI and body fat percentage on the spot.

▲ Illustrated guide for toning different parts of the bodies.
The illustrated guide at “SPACE 17” alone was not enough to satisfy hot-blooded Gamanians with their thirst for knowledge. Fitness trainer Jason Lin was invited to teach the secrets of perfect body tone. Three exercise classes were held in quick succession on arm sculpting, paunch show-down and turning carrots into sexy legs. So many people signed up that the classes were maxed-out. At the end of the classes, all of the students walked out of Gama Club tired but satisfied.

▲Students lifting their legs to train the core muscle groups

▲ Students getting a leg up in order to sculpt them into sexy legs!

▲ SPACE 17gave awards to titness trainer Jason Lin for his contribution in the end of three classes.
Exhibition organizer told G!VOICE that people feel all sweaty and clammy while exercising. Moisture-wicking shirts on the market often look rather ugly however, so “SPACE 17” released the “Fit Body, Fit Mind” commemorative T-shirt made from soft, moisture-wicking functional fabric complemented by colorful slogans. Gamanians can now look cool while exercising!

▲The 100 limited-edition T-shirts sold out in just 2 weeks!