Energetic and playful Gamanians just can’t seem to sit still, they love to do it in “groups” when it comes to participating sports event, be it marathon, mountain climbing, swimming across Sun-Moon Lake or other competitions, they love to have other Gamanian partners on board. Well, since they love to do it ensemble, then why not do it with some style and honor? Below is a series of “Best Moment” pictures, showing GTW raising the Gama flags after they finished each sporting event. See how they’re full of passion and vigor? Gamanians worldwide, are you tempted to carry Gama flags to conquer other races in the world?

▲21k Marathon=mission impossible? Ask those Gamanians in the picture, they’d be sure to tell you, “It doesn’t scare us!”

▲Climbing Jade Mountain, traveling around Taiwan on bikes, swimming across Sun-Moon Lake are said to be the “New Ironman Triathlon in Taiwan”. Gamanians most certainly wouldn’t miss such challenge of significance. The picture was taken before Gamanians took part in Swim Across Sun-Moon Lake event.

▲There’s a saying that goes, “Climbing Snow Mountain would either exhaust you to the bone or leave you maimed.” But take a look at our CEO Albert and board member Chialin Chu made their way to the summit with leisure. Snow Mountain, to Gamanians, you’re just a piece of cake.

▲“Shin Kong Life Tower Run Up” is a stair-climbing race that took place at Shin Kong building. There were total of 46 floors, comprised of 1006 stairs and 200 meters in height. Look at those Gamanians with that pride and easiness on their faces, you could almost imagine they might have been secretly practicing at GHQ’s 18 story building.

▲Gamanians are no stranger to this picture. You guessed it, this was the Polar Challenge that Albert, Kevin Lin and Tommy Chen took part in. Only they didn’t bring the Gama flag, but the flag of Gamania Foundation to the North Pole.

▲Gamanians often participate all kinds of races hosted by various sporting brands. This is a picture taken before “2009 NIKE Human Race 10K.”
Do you wish to bring the Gama flag to take part in sporting events or outdoor challenges?
Now all you need to do is fill out the basic information and submit the application to Corporate Marketing Office for review 3 days prior to the event, you can be wearing the Gama flag and charge the unchartered challenge!

How to apply?
1. You need at least two people in a team to apply for the flag.
2. The event/activity must meet the spirit of F.A.M.I.L.Y., for example, sporting contests, outdoor activities etc.
3. You need to submit application to Flag Retention Unit of Corporate Marketing Office 3 days prior to the event and return the flag within 3 days after the event finishes.
4. Applicant must duly maintain the flag. If the flag is damaged or lost, the applicant is liable for the cost of the flag.
5. After the event finishes, the applicant must submit pictures of the event for reference and record.
Wear Your Gama Badge for the Adventure
To encourage Gamanians to participate in events and activities, Brand Center designed a “Adventure Team Badge” exclusively for Gamanians who team up for outdoor challenges. Wear it, and show them what we’ve got!

How to apply?
1. You need at least two people in a team and plan to obtain team uniforms for the event, then you may apply for the badge from Brand Center.
2. The event/activity must carry positive image such as mountain climbing, race/marathon, stair-climbing, triathlon etc.
3. Application for badge authorization should be submitted 1 week prior to the event.
4.After the event finishes, the applicant must submit pictures of the event for reference and record.