
More Innovation! Bright Ideas Blossom as Crowdfunding Grows

You have surely heard of many scientists who have had to overcome multiple failures and obstacles such as funding, environment, and the market before their inventions went public. Take the Wright brothers for example. With only high school educations, the two initially used their mechanical expertise to run a bicycle shop in order to study flight. Halfway through, their research was halted for two years due to a shortage of funds. Revolutionary development of the airplane did not take place until they successfully convinced the U.S. army aviation to invest funding and a technological partnership.

In the past, many good ideas fell by the wayside due to shortage of funds or doubts industries held against independent inventors. In today’s internet era, innovative inventions have made incredible breakthroughs, all thanks to crowdfunding!

▲The impact of crowdfunding reaches even farther now through the internet.

Crowdfunding Platforms – Stimulating Innovation

Crowdfunding is also called resource pooling or community funding. Both the formation of tribes to hunt and build dams in ancient times and the formation of self-funding groups in recent times count as types of crowdfunding. The emergence of crowdfunding platforms in recent years has sparked an innovative revolution as the idea gains enormous momentum with entrepreneurs! What is the actual allure of crowdfunding platforms? What opportunities have they created?

  1. Low risk entrepreneurial opportunity: It’s not easy to start a company! Crowdfunding platforms provide a channel for testing before you enter the market, without countless rejections. It’s a completely free way to raise funding, with no real loss even if one fails. It’s a fantastic stage for an entrepreneur!
  2. Marketing and PR resources: Crowdfunding platforms offer a collection of innovative projects that may spur the interest of consumers, venture capitalists, reporters, and so on. Paired with social media, projects which are outstanding or particularly interesting often become the focus of public discussion.
  3. Verification and adjustment of creativity: Even the best idea may need to close a gap relative to consumers. Crowdfunding platforms offer Q&A mechanisms that help entrepreneurs clarify consumer needs. Feedback from a finished project can service as product testing and a survey. This is incredibly valuable reference information before market launch!
  4. Preparation of startup resources: Crowdfunding platforms are filled with venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, professionals, etc. All are excellent potential entrepreneurial resources and partners. Once funds are successfully raised, this serves as a great token for negotiation during investor meetings to obtain even more support!

The Ever-Expanding Effect of Innovation

Crowdfunding platforms across the world began earnest development after Kickstarter was founded in 2009. Brilliant new ideas often emerge from these platforms, such as the Pebble smartwatch, Veronica Mars film, Bug-A-Salt insect shotgun, and more. Venture capital investment market is no longer the privilege of a few. Now anyone and everyone has the opportunity to sponsor, discuss, and implement innovation under a friendly environment! The new age of crowdfunding is about to dawn. Don’t miss out if you’ve got a million great ideas!

▲Crowdfunding has grown more than three-fold in the US over the past three years!

Innovation! The Desire of a New Generation

Thanks to technology, crowdfunding has brought plenty of support for entrepreneurs. However, the new generation’s desire for innovation and creativity, as well as mutually beneficial openness, should not be overlooked. The rising popularity of crowdfunding also symbolizes the rise of a new force. This force is spreading to various realms such as technology, art, and public welfare. Progressive solutions are appearing one after another, changing life for the better.

After transitioning into a web company, Gamania established the group’s first crowdfunding platform this year: Webackers. Carrying over our advantages in the digital entertainment and cultural and creativity industries, Gamania’s influence will extend even wider as we approach an even more expansive era.


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