
The Employee Welfare in Gamania, Humanized Vacation Policy.

“Everything in this company is cheap except people,’ said the human resources director, Linus. The words show how important people in Gamaina are considered. With the move of Gamaina headquarter, the software and hardware are both upgraded. In the new base, a better environment, the employee welfare is also improved. The major consideration of moving to the Neihu district of Taipei City is because we hope that it can attract more talented people in relevant fields to join Gamaina.

Upgrading Employee Welfare! Benefits Better than according to Laws and Regulations.

Since 2012, female colleagues are entitled to maternity leave. Also, male colleagues can receive paternity leave benefits. Gamaina takes gender equality more and more seriously. Same-sex couples are also fully eligible for marriage leave and paternity leave since April 2015. This is certainly a first for the domestic listed companies. Gamaina is not only supporting employee welfare, but is also showing its support for human rights.

Since 2015, Gamaina has been trying to put independent leave into practice. Independent leave means an additional unlimited paid vacation aside from annual leave and there is no need for the supervisors’ permission. Work only has to be arranged and done within the given time. All we have to do is add vacation time to coworkers’ calendars on the Internet. So far this year, around ten percent of colleagues have taken independent leave. We hope that more and more colleagues can make good use of this leave entitlement to do what they want to do.

Lately, the sandwich leave since 2017,  means that we don’t have to work on makeup workdays scheduled by the government. This leave allows Gamanian to have more flexibility to arrange their own lives. Gamaina is the model enterprise for Internet industry, leading the industry. Providing with a well-developed welfare, hopes that companies in Taiwan can be inspired and promote their employee welfare.


Work Environment Gym
Gym coach
Diet  staff restaurant-gama-island
Free quota up to NT30
Special Leaves Annual Leave:


6 months less than 1 year, 3 days

from 1st to 2nd year, 7 days

from 2rd to 3th year, 10 days

from 3rd to 5th year, 14 days

from 5th to 10th year, 15 days

from 10th year on, a additional day per year until maximum 30 days.

Birthday leave (only applied for non-holiday or non-weekend day)
Grand-Tour leave (applicants need to provide grand-tour proposal)
3-day staff travel leave (new staff who join Gamania before July 1st of the same year may apply)


NTD10,000 staff travel subsidy (Calculated based on service period from July 1st of previous year to June 30th of this year)

Bonus Year-end bonus: 2 months guarantee
Three special-national-holiday bonus: May 1st Labor Day bonus, Dragon Boat Festival bonus, Mid-Autumn Festival bonus, NTD500 respectively. (Applicable only for staff who has worked at least 1 month)
Birthday bonus NTD500 (Applicable only for staff who has worked at least 3 months, up until the birthday month)
Staff Insurance Labor/health insurance: process in accordance with relevant laws and regulations
Group insurance: Nan Shan Life Insurance
Educational Trainings Staff may apply for educational trainings based on work or business demands.
Other Staff clubs and club subsidy
Motorcycle/scooter parking
Annual health check
Ancillary kindergarten service for Staff: Gama Garden

Gamaina is the model enterprise for Internet industry, leading the industry. Providing with a well-developed welfare, hopes that companies in Taiwan can be inspired and promote their employee welfare. 

▲A picture clearly exlains the seniority-based employee welfare in Gamania.

Image Source: http://www.gettyimages.com/

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