
New Cross-Screen Media: Coture

Through the rapid development of mobile devices and the internet, we can receive the most updated, diverse content available at anywhere and anytime through these mobile devices. People no longer receive information at fixed locations. They spend more time on mobile devices, browsing small volumes of concentrated content as they move or wait. They tend to avoid overly complicated, lengthy content. The mobilization of digital content is quietly influencing human behavior. In response to the fragmentized model which people are receiving information, content development is moving towards the lighter end of the spectrum.

Lightweight Entertainment

Coture is the product of a lightweight media content strategy. Since its establishment in March of last year, it has worked with Wildfire, the producer of various popular entertainment shows such as Kangxi Lai Le, University, and One Million Star, to produce lightweight, short entertainment content which is easier to watch and share. This has revolutionized the public stereotype of traditional television entertainment content. Content includes all kinds of topics ranging from gossip, zodiac forecasts, to singing competitions. It also integrates exposure from social media platforms and sharing of over video content to create more hype and traffic flow. Take its zodiac themed content for example, aside from the “like” trends it started immediately upon release, more than 2 million views were accumulated within three days through sharing on social media networks.

Gamania 20 One Million Star was also aired in a cross-screen fashion, on platforms such as Coture, CTS, Yahoo, etc. The program was combined with new media interactions, launching an exclusive app and tagboard function. The total number of online view exceeded 2 million, as it became one of the most popular topics this summer and inspired much public discussion online.

Content Equals Business Potential

While diversified content brings the audience more potential for entertainment, it also brings more commercial possibilities. Platforms which assist in content sharing gain profits through advertising so that they can continue to satisfy the audience through disseminating more content. The content itself can expand into various product lines through licensing and agency agreements, selling products on electronic commerce platforms. Content can be translated into infinite business potential.

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