

Open & Limitless: Analyze New Patterns of Space

Open & Limitless: Analyze New Patterns of Space

Gamania Group’s new headquarter is located in Taipei Neihu Technology Park, where the horizon is broad. Gamania ecological space 2.0 evolution version has a brand-new conceptual space with a core idea of Open & Limitless. “Open” means open state and eliminating barriers in the space. “Limitless” represents the concept of

Cherishing All the Glorious Days. Embracing Rosy Innovative Future.

Cherishing All the Glorious Days. Embracing Rosy Innovative Future.

As stepping into the future, memories Gamanians created together become more and more vivid. All the details of interaction will be remembered. Every corner carries our affections. G!Voice collects every episode filled with memories meaningful for Gamanians which could be an encounter, a person, a sight, or an event. We

Innovating Flat Out. Gamania Headquarter 2.0 Evolution Ver.

Innovating Flat Out. Gamania Headquarter 2.0 Evolution Ver.

Gamania Group loves challenges. We embrace the dreams that no one dares to have, take on them and blazes the trail with vigor. Gamania is a provider of digital entertainment content and is going to be a navigator of wholly ecological Internet life. We expect ourselves to become the pioneer

Gamania Group’s New Headquarter Creates New Dimensions

Gamania Group’s New Headquarter Creates New Dimensions

2016 Gamania Big Event: Moving to a New Home! “No.736, Zhongzheng Rd., Zhonghe Dist.” is such a familiar address that we, as Gamanians, all know that it is where Gamania locates. But in the future, we will have a new home completely belonging to us in Neihu. The new building

Gamania 20 Evolution, Continue to Grow Beyond the Limits

Gamania 20 Evolution, Continue to Grow Beyond the Limits

Since the establishment of the Gamania network fleet in 2015, we have set sail to the great path with iron will. Other than consolidating the our existing games, we also broke through our own confines in actively expanding the business scale of the entire ecological network, and recruiting more passionate


Exclusive GGS Report!

During the period of GGS, media reporters from all over the world took part in the events. After the event came to a successful conclusion, G!VOICE received a thoughtfully put together exclusive report on GGS by Tesuya Ogawa, a special reporter from Gamania Japan. Let’s take a look at this exciting content on GGS!


May Your 2012 Wish Comes True, Starting Now

▲(Source of picture:http://polwig.com)   You looked at yourself in the mirror on January 1st, beginning to make a list of new year resolutions such as shake off 3 kg (and even bought a new pair of running shoes for it), life is supposed to unfold as the way you planned. Everything seemed so wonderful in your imagination!    January 2nd, your only exercise was lying on the couch, your new running shoes never touched the road.    This is a common scene in the beginning of the year. The new beginning motivates us but we are also easily be


Little Gamanians’ New Year Resolutions

▲(Source of picture: http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/gallery/index)   Don’t know how to execute your plans after drafting lists of new year resolutions? Are you curious what new goals other colleagues have set up?    G!VOICE will satisfy your desires. In this special theme edition, we will explore the deepest desire of Gamanians worldwide and set up “New Year Resolution clinic” to provide you with suggestions according to categories. This year, Gamanians, you will have no problem realizing your wishes!      End of the World, please don’t come ▲(Source of picture: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/2012/)   ■ I’m TIMOR  from GUS. My 2012 New Year Resolution is THE END


Steve Tsay in the Fight of R&D

        The Years of Senior Gamanian, Steve Tsay in the Fight of R&D   SDG-GD-Steve Tsay(蔡岳峰)   Employee: Tsay, Yue-Feng (A.K.A: Steve Tsay) Started from: October 1st, 1998 (FullSoft era, located in Yi-an Road, Chunghe) Total employees then: 20+ Position then: responsible for the main route of ‘Fast Food Shop’ Current position: Manager of Game R&D department, SEEDO Game     Steve manned multiple tasks on his own, and Albert also involved in every step   G!VOICE: During the FullSoft time, ‘Convenient Store’ helped establishing the foundation of Gamania, please share the working experience while producing


Mobile phone! Please give me the magic power

(Source of picture::http://www.efonia.co.kr/index_kor.asp)   New Year resolution fell short for the past couple of year? G!VOICE gives you top 11 super practical and useful application. This time, your mobile phone will be your supervisor, be it your dream, saving up, losing weight or having fun, it can manage and accomplish effectively. Let’s hope for the 100% complete rate of our new year resolutions!      Bring your quit smoking coach with you—MyQuit Coach Quitting cigarette is difficult but it might help if you have a coach nearby to supervise you. Developed by LIVESTRONG Foundation, founded by cancer-fighter, legendary cycler


Lulu in the Fight of Distribution Channels

The Years of Senior Gamanian, Lulu in the Fight of Distribution Channels PLS-TW-PB-Simon Lu(呂俊賢) Employee: Simon Lu (A.K.A: Lulu) Started from: April 10th , 2000 (The year when Gamania was founded) Total employees then: around 100 Position then: responsible for the distribution in marketing department and advertising Current position: Section manager of GASH PLUS Unexpected Career Move G!VOICE: Why did you join Gamania? What sort of changes have the company been through?  Lulu: I’ve known Albert two years before I joined the company in 1998. Back then the company’s name was FullSoft. I was doing AE for advertising then


Albert’s New Year Resolution: Continue to Push my Limit

The sound of firecrackers rumbled along with cheering, this was not a scene spotted at the baseball field, nor was Chinese goddess Ma-Zhu parading the streets, it was the welcome party for our CEO, Albert, who challenged himself on a 30-day tour around Taiwan by foot. G!VOICE specially invited Albert for an exclusive interview to talk about the journey and his new year resolution for 2012…   “Each year I want to do something very difficult, something outside of my comfort zone, something that worries or scares me.” From Albert’s hearty smile, it is hard to imagine to difficulty


Gamania time travel: back in where it all began…

Gamania time travel: back in where it all began… How did Gamania go from a small company with no more than a dozen employees to a big corporation with thousands of staff? What crazy initiatives Gamania has launched in the game industry? What miracles it has created? As a Gamanian, knowing the history of Gamania is a prerequisite. Now let’s take the time travel machine back in time and review Gamania’s wild history! 1993 Completed two in-house game products, ‘Warring States’ and ‘Alien’, and received great result from the market 1995 On April 1st, Full Studio (R&D) and FullSoft


Things You Don’t Know About Gamania in the Past

  On April 1st, 1995 was the day FullSoft (for marketing) and Full Studio (for R&D) were founded. In 1997, these two integrated into FullSoft. Many new Gamanians may be unfamiliar with this part of the history, what is FullSoft’s relationship with Gamania? Let G!VOICE take you back to the past and unveil the exciting stories underneath.      Key Milstone   l   1993富進時代:《戰國策》、《魔異入侵》開啟遊戲研發之路 l   1993 Fujin Era: launched game products, ‘Warring States’, Alien, and started the path to game R&D l   1995富峰群時代:《日蝕》開始打響知名度 l   1995 FullSoft Era: launched ‘Eclipse’, and enjoyed rising popularity l   1996富峰群時代:《富貴列車》慘敗,初嚐失敗滋味 l   1996 FullSoft Era:


What can you do if you are stuck for ideas?- Tricks and tools for unleashing your creative instincts

We are sure that there are times when Gamanians are stuck for ideas. Being completely out of ideas is a terrible feeling. Creativity can in fact be improved through training. Tools can also make the creative process more efficient. G!VOICE will now introduce to you the techniques and tools for creative thinking!    Four Creative Thinking Methods Creativity is something that everyone has. Everyone hopes for ideas when they are writing or making a proposal. Still, flashes of genius account for just 5% of all creativity so there are other techniques for tapping into your creativity. These can be


RD’s Take on Creativity Priest: Good ideas are surprising, novel or unexpected!

PlayCoo Product R&D Department Senior Game Designer CHENG, Ching-Lun (Priest)   R&D subsidiary PlayCoo has been producing games that did well in the market in recent years. From Lucent Heart to Divina, these games have won over countless players. What keeps these players coming back? The design team undoubtedly spent a great deal of effort on designing the game content. G!VOICE has invited the Cheng, Ching-lun ("Priest"), the lead designer for Divina, to share with everyone his experience with creativity in R&D.    G!VOICE:What is your source for creative inspiration in game development?  Priest: If we are talking about


Come Get a Creative Boost!

Everyone wishes for boundless creativity at work or in their everyday life so they can constantly create something exciting in their life. But "creativity" doesn't grow on trees. You must spend time cultivating your concepts and building up your knowledge every day! So how do you learn about creative concepts? What databases can you draw on? G!VOICE has drawn up a list so your creativity can stand on the shoulders of giants!      Book Kashiwa Sato's Ultimate Method for Reaching the Essentials – Kashiwa Sato Japan's famous designer Kashiwa Sato tells us that creativity must be "organized" and
