
Gamania HK’s receives special honors at the 2012 Caring Company Awards!

In 2012, the HKCSS acknowledged Gamania HK’s dedication towards the community with the “Caring Company Award”! Launched by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) in 2002, the Caring Company Scheme aims to cultivate good corporate citizenship. It is specifically builds strategic partnerships among businesses and non-profit organizations to create a more cohesive society.

The criteria for Caring Company: The committee presents 17 factors sorted into 3 main categories: “Social Service”, “Member service and Professional Aid” and “Community Support Services”. The nominated corporation must fulfill at least 2 to become a qualified candidate. As to show appreciation for Gamania HK’s giving-back to the people, HKCSS presents the Caring Company Award in 2012. 

Gamania HK provides opportunities for better understanding of community needs

Gamania HK has made an effort in “Social Service”, “Member service and Professional Aid” and “Community Support Services”. The scheme endeavors to promote partnership between the business and the social welfare sectors. Through various activities and exchanges, the two sectors can get to know and understand each other and develop community projects matching with community needs. And when it comes to taking on responsibility, Gamania never backs out! 

▲The Gamania HK Welfare Committee holds the 2012 Annual Christmas Banquet to thank members for a year’s hard work. 

▲Gamania HK installs an air purifier (Left), LED lighting (Middle) and recycling bins (Right) to create an environmental friendly office space. 

Caring Company Official Site:


Caring Company Scheme Criteria

Scope of Work Description
Social Service Recognize organizations which demonstrate good corporate citizenship. Motivate strategic partnership initiatives among the public, business and charitable organizations. Raise public awareness of good corporate citizenship demonstrated by the business and public sectors and their contribution to a caring community. Principles:
·         Urge voluntary work
·         Contribute to the neighborhood
·         Pass down professional knowledge
·         Support under-priviledged minority employment      ·         Purchase products from charity groups or organizations 
Member service and Professional Aid Facilitate the development of the social service and partnerships, strengthen cooperation between business and social service in particular, to enhance resources and help those in need.
·         Value employees as assets
·         Secure working space safety
·         Offer medical and health support
·         Respect workers’ family responsibilities
·         Encourage balance between work and recreation ·         Actively communicate with employees      
·         Awards, certifications and proficiencies 
Community Support Services  Care for corporate working environments, and preserve resources. Implement internal environment protection measures and regulations, establish health centers, and reduce pollution or waste produced by the office. Cooperate with local government administrations and raise environment awareness.
·         Have a complete recycling plan
·         Produce under eco-friendly premises
·         Reduce carbon emission
·         Work with environmental protection agencies      
·         Green policy certificates or awards 
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