
Does Gamania Love to Exercise? 4 Q&A for Our CEO, Albert

G!VOICE: Gamania’s always celebrated the Game Day in the form of Sports Day, and in private, Gamanians also like to form clubs and get involved in sports activities. Gamanians seem to have a thing for sports, do you know why? 

Albert: Actually it’s kind of intriguing! I remembered back in 2005, “sports” is not really an element in Gamania’s culture. It was not until end of 2004 and beginning of 2005 while I was chatting with a few colleagues and someone suddenly mentioned, “Dare to challenge the Jade Mountain ?” Back then everyone cared a lot about their “faces” and then we agreed to it. Since we said we’re going to do it, we really had to do it! Thus we began our quest of climbing the top 100 mountains in Taiwan each year. In 2006, after 3 consecutive years of deficit, Gamania finally rose above the mire. I felt a bit overwhelmed too so I decided to take a long break and do a little traveling. In fact the year before that while I was at the peak of Jade Mountain I did something: I looked around all beneath me and I thought this is how you can view the whole country but of course you can’t. Then I asked myself, how should I do to take a better look at Taiwan? Finally I decided to travel around the whole island on bike. After I came back from the tour, I did a sharing session in Gama-Townhall, maybe it was then that encouraged the vibe of being more engaging in sports. 

Of course, what I meant was that everyone often does his/her exercise regularly but sometimes you have your own group or circle which you don’t normally include your work mates. After that particular Townhall, I started to hear stories about some Gamanians would team up to go for bike rides, surfing etc and that’s when the exercising atmosphere started to surfaced. The origin of Gama Cup wasn’t really particularly for the purpose of “sports” alone. Originally, I suggested to the welfare committee that we should have a sports day in addition to family day, and it gradually morphed into the Gama Cup that we know today.  

In fact, I encourage everyone to work out. Why? Because if you look at it from the long term, Gamania provide teenagers with various entertainments and although all our entertainment can be reached by sitting in front of a computer, it doesn’t mean this is the value we hope to promote, that you must stay at home all day and play those games. I believe we should have a more balanced development. Naturally our teenagers are surrounded by technology, but I think it is important to go out to the Nature. After all, this is the most primal environment that we live in. We need to embrace it and be inspired. We should bring this kind of value and idea to our customers, and to the society. In that sense, I wholeheartedly endorse Gamanians to engage in various sports activities or outdoor events. A while ago, I even asked some colleagues to draft a “Grand Tour Vacation” because I hope that in the future, the company will have more time for Gamanians to travel far and wide, to explore life to its fullest. Maybe staff could exchange their annual leaves for double the grand tour leaves. However, we ask that you share your thoughts and experience with everyone on the blog or maybe on G!Voice website. 

G!VOICE: Behind the promotion of sports, do you think Gamanian culture possess of certain gene? 

Albert: Actually I think that underneath Gamania culture, there’s a strong “challenge” factor. When this particular element combines with sports, you will realize this is what shapes a Gamanian. Added that most of Gamanians are pretty young, that is why the sports we take part in tend to be more challenging. In the past we did not purposely try to shape the sports culture, but I guess many occasions may have contributed to the spawning of the spirit. 

G!VOICE: We know that you love doing challenging sports, could you share with us what you’ve learned during the process?

Albert: I think during the process of doing challenging sports, it influences you considerably in terms of the shaping of characters. Be it your own sense of value, or your view on life, it shapes you. Under this circumstance, you’re more likely and easily to find your own target. Take mountain climbing as example, although it looks as if the whole team is moving, but most of the time you’re having a conversation with yourself. You’ll realize that there’s an inner-you that live inside you. ‘He/She” will give you many answers and they know more about you than you do. Although it’ll be a tough ride, you know the price for all the hard work. Each challenge must have certain risks or danger factor, but you’re willing to accept the danger, overcome the danger to pursue the sense of accomplishment. After you’ve done all that, a new character will be shaped and it will affect people or things around you. Take me for example, I influenced the company. And on the corporate level, it could impact the society. 

G!VOICE: Gamania Spirit=Sportsmanship? 

Albert: If we put aside Gamania spirit, sportsmanship pretty much equals to chivalry and samurai spirit. These spirits share the same core concept: accept challenge and pursue honor and glory. They urge people to do something righteously and to overcome a challenge. Under such concept, I think essentially Gamania culture needs to be a culture that accept and promote sportsmanship. In fact, Gamania’s core value, F.A.M.I.L.Y. already has these elements in place. Therefore I think Gamania spirit doesn’t equal to sportsmanship but it should include sportsmanship.  

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