

Gamanians’ New Year’s Resolutions for the New Gamania

Gamanians’ New Year’s Resolutions for the New Gamania

Gamania officially turns 20 this year. Has everyone noticed how Gamania has become more mature and more willing to challenge the limits of work and fun? From its start in games to the recent call to become a flagship Internet company, such a transformation is the "New Gamania" created by

From Online to Real Life – A New World for Gamania

From Online to Real Life – A New World for Gamania

Why is Gamania making such a big change? Aren't we, as consumers, already inextricably linked with the Internet?  Mobile technology is now growing at an explosive rate and the Internet has become an integral part of life. People's modes of consumption and behavior have changed in significant ways. The mobile

All Aboard the Gamania Internet Fleet!

All Aboard the Gamania Internet Fleet!

2015 marks the 20th anniversary of Gamania and year 1 of the Gamania Internet fleet! This is because Gamania is taking a big step in its transformation this year in order to become a national flagship Internet company. We will provide the public and enterprise customers with an even more

Gamania’s Sea Log! The Triumphs of the Explorer

Gamania’s Sea Log! The Triumphs of the Explorer

Gamania has always been an adventurous explorer when it comes to the market. We are adept at finding new opportunities in seemingly ordinary situations and finding a different path! A passion for exploration, innovation that comes out of the left field, boldness not held back by convention, and paying attention

Simplify! Single Function Apps On the Rise

Simplify! Single Function Apps On the Rise

Are single function apps superior to multi-purpose apps? Since the App Store was launched in 2008, this issue has gone under constant debate. A consensus was finally reached after analysis of data such as user preferences and usage behavior over the past few years. An overwhelming trend is now sweeping


Unzipping your brain: Make it Fun!

“Thinking!” This paradoxically simple yet deep concept effects the smallest establishment of a humble shop, to the great history of human civilization. However. . . How do you define the act of thinking? Should it be as heavy as Rodin’s Le Penseur, or as light as an innocent child, wrinkling brows?   In fact, the only rule you need to have in a brainstorming session is that, there are no rules! The process of inspirational thinking should be the act of “emptying your brain” and connecting everything that pours out of your mind at the moment. Just freely associate


Mind Inspiration: Humanity Counts

Looking back to what users want How does a good idea stand out among others in the sea of inspiration? We need to ask ourselves. . . Where does the problem lie, exactly?        “The Question is always inside us” That fact is, we need a “user-oriented, innovative, interactive and practical method to figure out the best concept and ultimate plan”. That is the heart of Design Thinking: humanity. Through observation and key interviews, the problem can be truly pinpointed and tackled with; that is the spirit of what ideas are all about. For example, one of IDEO’s past


Better Now than Never: Go Adventures!

Build a prototype; Embrace the mistakes    On the road of Design Thinking, after much observation of the consumer society, it is important to learn how to embrace your “failed” ideas as much as the successful ones. Many are idealists that aim for perfection on the first go. This leads to a lot of pre-planning and organizing beforehand, which is a good thing. However, when it comes to innovation that is when it starts to get tricky. Upon wanting a top score before actually trying often leads to the reluctance to be bold and take risks. From conceiving an


A Gama-Style Design Thinking Expo

There is no doubt that Gamania has the best creative thinkers gathered into one, smart and fun team. Each playing different roles, gamanians have always excelled in affecting others, as to march in a more positive light! Yet, with such versatility of division, that range from customer service, HR, IT, UX, QA, marketing, operations, design, creativity, brand, strategy planning, administration, finance and Gama Island... Not all objectives apply the same kind of logic. This time, SPACE 17 introduces the Design Thinking exhibition to remind all gamanians: Design is not just a professional trait, it is a way of living,


The Posture of Happiness

Everyone has a posture of happiness, it doesn’t need to be anything extravagant. Sometimes it may be wrapping arms in front of the chest, and looking at your completed task. Sometimes it may be a light smile or looking at your loved one and laugh from the bottom of your heart. “Doing what you love and living in peace” is exactly the posture of happiness!  When Albert said to the media who came to the press conference, “Running this kindergarten, I care first and foremost about our ‘stance on education’. I hope that GamaGarden, like Gamania, could share the


A Corporation with an Competitive Edge—Gamania

Everyone has their own image and perception of their ideal company in mind. After the official launch of GamaGarden on April 3rd, 2012, Albert said to his media friends, “Gamania celebrated its 17th anniversary at 13:00, on April 1st, 2012. This company is like my child, I’ve cherished and loved everything about it. I hope it could become a company with a competitive edge in every aspect, be it innovation, development or staff welfare etc. In sum, I hope that Gamania is the most ‘kick-ass’ company… ”When the word, ‘kick-ass’ was uttered, our media partners who sat with straight


Design Elements to GamaGarden’s Happiness

Born to play and to have fun, such is the strong brand character and culture of Gamania. Whether it is in space, sound, office stationary, everywhere you see you could feel the vibrant, vigorous energy of Gamania. GamaGarden was born in April, 2012, it is the brainchild of Gamania, inheriting Gamania’s style. The minute you step into GamaGarden, you could feel that strong element of play and fun!  G!VOICE invited the planner, Rainbow and desiner, Kevin from Brand Center to talk about the brand concept of GamaGarden. ▲The design of GamaGarden’s brand image was planned and executed by Kevin


Family x Corporate Force of Happiness=Corporate Competitiveness

▲ ’Concentric Circle’ event held during Gama-Together camp on Gamania Festival, 2006. ‘Talent’ is the basic unit for constituting a company. How a company makes its staff feel sense of happiness at work has become an important issue for all companies nowadays. Generally speaking, the style of business owner decides the operation of the company and corporate culture. In the current stage of Taiwanese traditional job market, business owners tend to place ‘task demand’ over ‘corporate sharing’ and consequently making staff feel a bit left out and on the brink of feeling unhappy. 1111 Job Bank conducted a questionnaire


Brand Power’s Backbone: Customer Service

Do it a step ahead, in exchange for customers’ 100% satisfaction  The Ritz Carlton is a world renowned international luxury hotel chain. Its founder, César Ritz was the king of hotel industry. The reason for him to claim the thrown of the empire was not because his countless chained hotels, but that he implanted the principle and the spirit of ‘customer service’ into the corporate DNA and his staff. “Amazing, ultimate customer experience” is the service quality that Ritz Carlton demands. Such service spirit takes place in every Ritz Carlton hotels all over the world. In the book, “The


Gamania Headlines! Gamania x IDEO

As the leading figures of digital entertainment, Gamania is honored with the opportunity to work with IDEO, which is currently one of the most innovative design companies! During the project, IDEO flew out to Taiwan and got together with Gamania members,in order to discuss how the concept of Design Thinking can be actualized? G!Voice takes you in for a closer look!  Before the official meeting, IDEO hopped on a plane and came to Taiwan for a “Looking in” interview. The team learned about Gamania’s nature, working environment, company policy, brand image... etc, and most importantly, what our customers are


Do You Feel the Customer Service? Are You Moved by it?

In this society we often switch our identities between servers and servees. What do you feel when you’re being served?  Yuan-Liou Publishing Co. once published a book, “How to move your customer”. There was a story about customer service that took place in a simple westernized restaurant (with a la carte meals with coffees). I think everyone could relate to this experience: in the somewhat hectic lunch time, the coffees that are supposed to come after the meal are either forgotten or needed to be urged several times. If there are several people having lunch together, sometimes the waiter


Corporate Ace in Market Battle—Customer Service on All Fronts

Customer servicing is very important strength a brand exhibits in market sales. What it stands for internally is everything the brand embodies: from the sufficiency of hardware equipment to the organization and management of software; from product R&D, completion, complete profit mechanism to corporate culture and style. Every detail has to be in tune, and together they represent the performance one sees. Just like the ballerinas on stage, they endured the tough training from their mentors, they developed great sync with the musicians and they trained day and night just for that perfect moment on stage. You may not
