

“Boarding simulation” at Songshan Airport Raises Brand Favorability Despite Pandemic

“Boarding simulation” at Songshan Airport Raises Brand Favorability Despite Pandemic

The global coronavirus pandemic has forced brands to face more than the issue of reduced sales. As mentioned in the article "The Brand Challenges from the Pandemic" of Issue No

Season 2 Coming Soon After 13 Years Break! Classic Japanese Drama for Metropolitan Office Workers – “The Man Who Can’t Get Married”

Season 2 Coming Soon After 13 Years Break! Classic Japanese Drama for Metropolitan Office Workers – “The Man Who Can’t Get Married”

In the fields of gaming and movie industries, "sweet nostalgia" has never gone out of fashion. After years of hiatus, it is a great joy for fans to see the

5 Stages of the “User”-Centered Design Thinking Process

5 Stages of the “User”-Centered Design Thinking Process

▲ Empathize → Define → Ideate → Prototype → Test Design thinking is a "user-centered" approach to create more possibilities through user demands. The creator of this method is the

A Manual for Workplace Relationships and Communication, Maybe “You Should be More Calculating in Your Communication”

A Manual for Workplace Relationships and Communication, Maybe “You Should be More Calculating in Your Communication”

▲ Ashley Chen - You Should be More Calculating in Your Communication The word "calculating" always seems to be a bit negative, like a horrible and scheming colleague at the

The Impact of smartphone Holding Methods on UI Design, Let’s Talk about Thumb Rules

The Impact of smartphone Holding Methods on UI Design, Let’s Talk about Thumb Rules

Thumb Zone Interaction Design - Mobile UX ▲Photo by Andrea Natali on Unsplash When Saha upgraded from the old iPhone 6 to iPhone 11 with the 2019 trend for new


When the Trend News Breaks, Should Social Media Follow or Not?

Social media topics replace and alternate each other at a rapid speed. Traditional TV commercials was used to be broadcasting for a year, and one version of digital banners can be resized into hundreds of different versions that could be used for one to two months at least; however, when it comes to social media nowadays, hot topics can potentially sustain for a short period of less than three days. Thus, social media editors are tasked with the important mission of keeping up with hot topics.    But, to follow or not to follow, that is the question.   

Columns On Branding

[Book Excerpt] A.I. Superpowers Dr. Lee Kai-Fu’s Deep Analysis of Ten-Year A.I. Future Trend

▲ A.I. Superpowers Artificial intelligence has been the hot topic in recent years. The interactions between Iron Man Tony Stark and A.I. computer "J.A.R.V.I.S." are amazing, and could that ever happen in the near future? Can human beings be released from the shackles of intensive labor to find out more about the meaning of life? In his book "A.I. Superpowers", Dr. Lee Kai-Fu talks about the A.I. development in the past and the future, and the advantages and disadvantages between China and America. It offers a window into the whole industry. Here, we summarize some key points within the

Columns On UX

A good command of negative space brings layers to your design!

Foreword I have discovered that when I was helping out with reading paper during work. There was an issue with layout most of the time. The client often requests a revision to increase the size of elements because they don't jump out enough. In fact, aside from the forced solution of increasing element size, you can also make use of the negative space. Well organize the elements to enhance the discernibility. It will clear up the items that the client's complaint, "not big enough". Thus, I've summarized the technique into this article, in the hopes of facilitating your work.

Columns On UX

A Must-Learn Move for April Fool’s Day: As an Good Opportunity to Play Tricks and to Promote New Products

We all know that April Fool’s day is a great opportunity for brands to pull off some “entertainment”.  On this day, customers tend to just laugh at the silly or goofy things done or tricks pulled off by the suppliers after they find out the truth. However, to imagine that if a brand seriously launched an unbelievable product on April Fool’s day, and it wasn’t meant to be a joke, what would you think? Burger King’s Whopper Goes Meatless!? What if someone told you that Burger King’s Whopper doesn’t really a beef-contained burger but a vegetarian burger, and you

Columns On Market Trends

The World Between Us

Having launched Wake Up previously, Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS TW) strikes out again in 2019, bringing the series The World Between Us. Centered on an indiscriminate killing incident, it delineates the psychological state of the perpetrator and the victim's family. Following Cheng Chieh (鄭捷) incident and Little Light Bulb (小燈泡) incident, the deeply thought-provoking series reflect the society ever more realistically.  When incidents like these occurred in society and when the perpetrator's parents say something like "My son used to be a very good boy!" I used to get filled with anger. I'd even get so angry that

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Are fan pages hard to operate? The Taipei Metro lines directly target your Facebook wall.

▲ After Lunar New Year, Taipei Metro launched "Finding the 10 Billionth Passenger" as the first wave of a series of events.  For most brands, they have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. Setting up a Facebook fan page requires zero costs, which saves a lot of money compared to investing in large-scale ads as what has always been done. Besides, it is directly interactive. In recent years, people have been "kidnapped" by the idea of community building created by Facebook. Various algorithms have been changed to make companies pay up for advertisement. Against the backdrop, the brands find it

Columns On Branding

Is Having Many Interests a Good Thing? Turn Yourself into a Transformer with Cross-Industry Thinking

Atour Hotel Case Study - Cross-Industry Experience Creates New Species During our discussion on opportunity identification last time, we could adopt the dot-line-surface-body thinking method as a supplement to our decision-making process (Read more at "Identifying Opportunities? The Essential Dot-Line-Surface-Body Thinking Method"), which elevates and widens our thinking.    Today I would like to talk about innovation, i.e. how to add new elements into existing patterns and create a competitive edge. This widens our thinking. Next I will share a case that I really like - how the Atour Hotel stepped outside of the box of a hotel and

Columns On UX

Who Says You Can Only Promote Sales and Not Your Brand, This is How Burger King Does It

Burger King trolls McDonald's yet again. This time it's all about Big Macs! That's right. All the names of Burger King combo meals have been changed to McDonald's Big Mac. For instance: Like a Big Mac, but Actually Big" Combo Meal Kind of Like a Big Mac, but Juicier and Tastier" Combo MealBurger Big Mac Wished It Was" Combo MealAnything but a Big Mac" Combo Meal Big Mac-ish But Flame-Grilled of Course" Combo Meal Isn't Burger King afraid of being sued for blatantly using its competitor McDonald's product name in its stores? This is what happened. The fast food

Columns On Market Trends

Is growth hacking the specific medicine for brands in the digital era?

The term growth hacker, coined by Sean Ellis in 2010, has not been gradually introduced to Taiwan until the last two years. The first Growth Hacker Seminar Taiwan was held in 2016. If you google "growth hacker" in Chinese, you will get 2 million related results, and if you google the term in English, you will get a lot more. But what exactly is growth hacker? How do growth hackers help with brand growth? Do growth hackers guarantee a successful brand in the digital battlefield?  ▲When you search for "growth hacker" on the Books.com.tw website, as many as 82

Columns On Branding

Exposing one’s own shortcomings is a good business

"Exposing one's own shortcomings is a good business." The statement is based on a pivotal core presumption "The product is not for everyone." It sounds like nonsense, but many marketers ignore or don't want to admit it. To put it the other way, the statement means "Only some people are interested in the product." This way, it is easier to understand the idea. Take lemon for example. Lemons always taste sour, but customers ask, "Does the lemons taste sour?" Similar complaints include: small cars, meagre lunchbox, expensive product... You may come up with a reply that caters to customers

Columns On Market Trends

Darling, Which “Taste Lovers” Are You, Sour, Sweet, Bitter, Spicy or Salty

This article "Darling, Which 'Taste Lover' Are You, Sour, Sweet, Bitter, Spicy or Salty" is excerpted from PolyshBy Yun-Chih ZengPhotography/ Xiaoguang & Yoy Legend has it that women miss their lovers in different ways from men. Compared with the linear histories, women's nostalgia is more like an instant intuition, such as the incomprehensible abstract painting hung in the double room; the sweater held in arms after being taken down from the clothes rack in the morning; the chicken soup for "nourishing your body", but awkwardly seasoned with too much salt ... the peculiar green in the painting, the softener

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Is a Good Idea Enough for an Excellent Product?

It's been a couple of months since I wrote an article last time (shame). I have been busy with product transformation lately. It also prompted me to rethink how to turn an idea into a product. After some twists and turns, I realized several things: 1. It's easier said than done; 2. It's easy to do things, but it's hard to do valuable things because the key to a successful product is not the idea, but whether value can be created. As a product manager, my brain is always packed with various ideas. The ideas may come from some

Columns On UX

Wait a minute! So it only takes a small change to increase my brand’s likability?

A good and creative idea is usually "simple, easy to understand, and can be carried out by different people without the results being too inconsistent." The following case is a classic example. The idea is so simple you will utter in awe "Wait a minute! Why didn't I think of that?" When it comes to top locations to get married, "Las Vegas" is probably a popular option for many. This is because, as the Hollywood movies go –any couple who are sweetly in love (or for that matter, strangers who just met) can find happiness here, whether the reason

Columns On Market Trends

6 Secrets to Designing a More Pleasant “Waiting” Experience

"Waiting" is a process. It is something unavoidable in daily life. We wait to ultimately reach the thing or the person we desire. We usually have a positive mental image of what awaits us in the end. However, the process of waiting creates anxiety, impatience, and even desperation and anger. Therefore, a key experience design detail for a waiting process is to guide the user towards positive emotions. In "The Design of Everyday Things", Donald A. Norman proposed six principles of design, which I have listed below and applied to using the example of waiting in line: Principle No.1:

Columns On UX

From Image Editing to Simulation, An Observation of How AI Changes Things

It may seem like artificial intelligence (AI) only exists in movies, but in fact, AI has already infiltrated our lives. It could even be said that everyone has already used AI, at least if you have used an image editing app before. These magical effects all come from precise AI algorithms. In late April of 2018, NVIDIA announced the research results which shows that AI can recognize missing parts to reconstruct an image. ▲NVIDIA Fixes Photos by Recognizing what's missing (Photo source: https://www.inside.com.tw/2018/04/25/nvidias-ai-fixes-photos-by-recognizing-whats-missing) This achievement may be just an entertaining function for the general public, but it can perfectly

Columns On Branding

“The Creative Shopkeeper” Teaches You How to Become a Top Salesperson From Strategy, Marketing, Presentation, to Service

▲ Photo source: https://www.buybook.tw/book-0010780186.htm In this day and age of social media, a physical store offers more than just sales, but the service and experience. "The Creative Shopkeeper", of which the 8th print was released in April, has researched over 60 independent retailers around the world which are unique and have their own philosophies to take about their trade secrets in detail in the following ten main categories: ▲ Photo source: https://www.appearhere.us/spaces/old-street-station-unit-2b ① Tools and Identifiers A unique brand identifier is definitely important. In contrast to the brand name, the identifier wins by leaving a visual impression. PRESS juice

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Facebook bans forced sharing. Good or bad?

▲Photo from the Associated Press The changing algorithm of Facebook is no longer news, and no longer surprising to us editors or any digital marketing professional. In fact, the changes on Facebook are not universal around the world, but gradually implemented by region. For example, everyone's post background image may differ, some may have the newer images earlier, while others have to wait a while before they catch up. The difference in time is also shown in the recent Facebook policy in Taiwan, something that is starting to gain notice: What is forced sharing on Facebook? You must have

Columns On Branding

Art: Yayoi Kusama Tokyo Museum

▲Built in 2014 and designed by Kume Sekkei in Japan, the 5-story museum is a completely white building, inside and out. (Photo from https://www.gq.com.tw/life/travel/content-33317.html) Yayoi Kusama is an internationally renowned artist with creations displayed at the Venice Biennial, and held as classics in museums worldwide. Yayoi Kusama's work can be seen in various large and small exhibition spaces in Japan, such as Mori Art Museum, Art Setouchi. But to see a whole museum dedicated to her art, you must go to the quite residential area in Shinjuku. It's quite difficult to visit the Yayoi Kusama. In order to maintain

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