“Free samples” are a frequently used method to promote newly launched products. Passers-by resembling the target demographic are offered a free portion and shoppers in hypermarkets are invited to try
Lisbeth Salander, an independent female hacker, is thin, small, and pale. A doctor diagnosed that Lisbeth was schizophrenic when she was a child. Later, the trustworthy legal custodian had a
Virtual reality and artificial intelligence are the key trends in Cannes Lions this year. "The Displaced" by New York Times is the most eye-catching work and wins Mobile Grand Prix
Blinds spots often result in mistakes. UI/UX designers may think they can complete tasks with objective methods and mindset, but sometimes they will be blinded because of designers’ characteristics. Accordingly,
Today, when this article was written was also the launching date for Apple iPhone 7 (Sep 7th, 2016.) Undoubtedly, there will be news and pros and cons comments about Apple
G!VOICE Recommend: “This is a memoir of the renowned recorder, Geoff Emerick’s years with the greatest band, the Beatles in EMI’s studio on 3 Abbey Road. From the Beatles mania to they each went their ways. Geoff witnessed it all and documented honestly in the book on the Beatles’ private sides: their conflicts, arguments, their adorable and capricious side. In addition, he also documented the behind the scene stories and process of creating the greatest rock n’ roll album in studio 3. It’s definitely a book worth reading! ” Introduction 3 Abbey road, the address of EMI recording
We’ve all been there. After entering a restaurant, the waiter takes you to your table, and hands over a glass of water with the menu. The water is usually free of charge. (In Taiwan, we are served boiled water, while in the US, they provide drinkable tap water). Tap water is something we take for granted, something accessible just by turning on the faucet. Amazingly, one out of five children around the world cannot have clean water to drink on a daily basis. As a result, 6,000 precious lives are lost each day. Information like that are
How do you associate “Coke” with “staying fit”? We all know that Diet Coke might a better choice than regular Coke for one’s guilty pleasure. But did you know that the brand of Diet Coke now stands for slimness? Diet Coke’s latest publicity stunt in Paris is the “Slender Vendor,” a vending machine that’s only 7 inches wide to show how “famously fit and elegant” Diet Coke is. Get it? Not only does it fit nicely in narrow spaces, it is now everywhere: in the middle of sidewalks, in bowling allies, between treadmills in fitness centers... etc. In short,
About the film: You might say this is the puppy love version of adult movies! One that no man can resist! How do everyday common people try to make way for fame and fortune stuck in the most boring little town ever? Andy, a middle-aged divorcé that just recently lost his job, seeks different ways to quickly make himself a rich man. A brilliant idea came across his mind one day watching a stroll into an adult video shop: That’s it! What makes better money than porn? Andy’s outrageous plan surprisingly won over his friends’ support, and everyone pitched
Ever seen Stanley Kubrick’s classic: 2001: A Space Odyssey? 2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 British-American science fiction film produced and directed by Kubrick. Made in the past depicting the future of 33 years after, the year 2001 is, ironically, 12 years ago. I haven’t had the pleasure of watching this film until 2 years ago, and, frankly speaking, it was the most boring experience ever. I could not help but fast-foward through almost half of the 2-hour-and-half film without “getting” what message the legendary director was trying to convey. However, I did notice something strangely familiar: the
G! VOICE Introduces: “Imagine two completely different systems constantly contradicting each other, yet aiming for a single conclusion. System 1 is fast, automatic, frequent, emotional, stereotypic, subconscious. However, it is prone to take one aspect and generalize it as the whole, subsequently leading to misjudgment. On the other hand, System 2 is slow, effortful, infrequent, logical, calculating, conscious. It seeks shortcut solutions and often leads to quick, direct yet lazy conclusions. Both systems exist in the human brain! Explore how they work along and against each other on every choice that you make in
Have you ever wished that you could just make your drawing walk off the paper and come to life on your table? It dreams is just about to come true, as the “3Doodler” pen acts like a magic wand that can draw shapes in the air right before your eyes! Although the object don’t actually “walk” off the paper, it is already a mind-blowing experience to be able to visualize our imagination in 3-D! ▲Within minutes, an Eiffel tower created through the 3Doodler stands before you. The 3Doodler is a 3D printing pen developed by Peter Dilworth and
I’m fully aware that paper is a product of the past now, thanks to smartphones and tablets. Not a fan of techy gadgets in general, my iPad and iPhone are nearly 6 months old. These couple of months were a nightmare, that is! Why, you ask? As a result of my “encounter” of these things, I am now pathetically addicted to these screens-- not only do I have to hide this habit from my wife, I’m pretty sure my ability to spell has gone out the window altogether. My wife confronted me with red, puffy eyes the other day:
Have you noticed that QR codes are popping up everywhere, even in the most unlikely places? Even the hottest LINE software uses a QR code login system now. In fact, QR codes allows great potential for creativity and marketing. A new ways of applying this technology are as the following: What are QR Codes? The QR code (Quick Response Code) is a code that can be read by using digital cameras and decryption devices. It is mainly used for cameras and can be converted into text information. The purpose is to omit the procedure of typing in a string
People often approach me with the same question: “What is UX Design?” Before getting into that, I need to clarify that the User Experience is a field that covers many different kinds of expertise. We are talking about the field of engineering, visual art, interactive design, behavior studies, social psychology and customer service... (The list can go on and on.) Any activity, design, trade, education or service that concerns people will need to be familiar with the study of the User Experience. That is why we do not define UX Design (User Experience Design) as a single
G! VOICE Introduces: The Great Hello Kitty Evolution! This is not just another park with a Hello Kitty theme. It is the Hello Kitty “Futureland”! The futuristic park is a 3D labyrinth scenario embedded with interactive triggers featuring the whole family of Hello Kitty characters. Sanrio did what it does best: Creating a world from a different perspective. We get to see Hello Kitty’s grandfather’s blueprint of Robot Kitty, and how it developed into the Hello Kitty Kingdom of today. About the Event: To all the Hello Kitty fans out there: DO NOT miss out on the very first
We have always expected the same things from a public relations person. It is either a lot of media workers are invited to learn about a planned event, or to muster whatever kind of publicity or exposure that might be gained. This is, however, the era of digital control. Not only are the ways of marketing changing, PR relations are evolving, too. Or, at least, they should. The main thing is that, a brand cares too much about “whether the media will like this” instead of actually focusing on what’s important: the customer. The publicist, as to respond
We tend to define at a brand from the message its tries to deliver. However, has it ever occurred to you that a product can become its own advertisement, literally? Most will think of how convenient the product may be. The problem is, by going in that direction, one ends up with boring subjects such as eco-friendly bus stop bench cover, or free battery chargers for public transportation. Well. Let’s take a look of how this sunblock brand presents itself in a different light. Brazilian was always known for its sunny beaches. It’s also one of its main tourist
Everyone knows these characters by heart: The weak and whiny Nobita, the snobbish and wealthy Suneo, Gian the bully, and Doraemon. All across Japan you see fans of different ages, men and women alike. Now, they take part in a TOYOTA commercial! トヨタ 実写版 ドラえもん CM 1-4総集編 -ReBORN- TOYOTA: *********** Commercial Content Below ************ The cartoon: Shizuka: “When I grow up, I want to drive to a barbecue!” Nobita: “Sure ! Let’s go together!” The movie: A thiry-year-old Nobita takes first the subway and next the bus, with Shizuka at his side, to a riverside to barbecue. “Nobita, my
You must be used to the dull printing routines for charts and reports. Guess what: 3D printing is here to spice up your office life! 3D printing was invented a while ago and used mainly in industrial, medical and contemporary art fields. Back then it was an expensive and rare investment... until now. Whoever came up with the idea to use it in marketing was sheer genius. Let’s take a look at how Coca Cola and Volkswagen used the technology of 3D printing in campaigns! Meet Your Mini-me through Coca Cola https://youtu.be/MoIbQh6Z--A Have you ever dreamed
From High Fashion to Hobo Fashion What would happen if one day, you were a designer, and the public decides to label your brand as the best “hobo fashion” ever? I’m sure you are familiar with the clothing line A&F. Not only are they considered pretty high fashion, their employees are practically models. No kidding. The store targets mainly “youths” of 18-22, and insist that only size 0-2 apparel are available... It first started out as a promotional thing. As a brand, they were given a lot of freedom to construct a public image since the
Apple’s new iOS 7 was introduced during the 2013 WWDC and immediately became the talk of the day. The use of “Skeuomorphism” in its UI design is replaced with the minimalist “Flat Design”: It is said to be the biggest change in iOS history since the invention of the first iPhone. Of course, there has been much debate on whether this change pleased its fans or not. Some stated that the new interface showed that Apple was capable of coming out of its own shell. Others say that it was losing its brand image in favor of a
Movie Recommendation: Back to the Future 2, The Fifth Element Movies are the windows of our imagination. Many future predictions have already come true thanks to modern technology. Remember the home surveillance cameras, 3D projections and cam-calls depicted in Back to the Future 2? That was how people viewed the year 2015 in 1985. We are in the year 2013, and most of the gadgets in the movie are already embedded in our everyday life. Take The Fifth Element for example. The spaceship-like cars that took our eyes briefly away from the gorgeous Milla Jovovich gives us a look
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