Twenty-five is an age people consider a crucial watershed in life, and Gamania has been here for that same amount of time, a quarter of a century. Since its inception, Gamania has been through many trials and tribulations and tackled one challenge after another to gain valuable lessons to stabilize
With arrival of the fall and winter, have you noticed that the 25-year-old Gamania has officially welcomed the new Gamania Branding 3.0 style? The instant when you open the front door of headquarters, the space, the identity, the group uniform, the whole surroundings begin changes. What particularly catches the eye
“Stuck on a Level, Beat that Level: GAMA25 Online Exhibition” was officially launched online in November. The website created a buzz immediately after the launch. Cute and retro dot matrix visuals immediately pop into view right as you connect to the site. It transports the visitor on a time machine
For 25 years, Gamania has been dedicated to a total online ecosystem corporation. It has grown from its own failures, and now it continues to adapt, innovate, and learn the language of the new era. Having been at the forefront of every breakthrough moment, Gamania has also made its mark.
Gamania will officially enter its 25th year in 2020. In this issue of G!VOICE, we will start off by decoding the new brand identity and the 25th anniversary visual symbol code. Then, the following will be two interviews with "Brand Director Eric Chen (Ahbin) X S.SELECT LAB Design Director and
A twelve years’ accumulation of strength leads a long way. In Chinese, twelve years is called a cycle, or Gi Nien in ancient texts. In the ancient <<Chinese text Discourses of the States, Book 4 - Discourses of Jin, it reads “Twelve years’ accumulation of strength leads a long way”. G!Voice>> is seeing its twelfth birthday in 2018, and over the past 12 years, <<G!Voice>> has built a strong momentum and brought about a Gama-esque Renaissance. In the collective cultural memory, no one is an outsider at Gamania. And in this special issue “Gama-esque Renaissance” we are going to
Won't do without you~Gamania has big events all year round! Although at Gamania we don’t actually party all year round, throughout each quarter we do have quite a few Gamanian Gathering events. These events are the hot topics at GAMA Island or the water coolers, both before and after the events! People would brainstorm how to create events that are full of spirits, fun and creative! If you are a Gamanian, you could expect fun all year round! 5. GAMA FestivalGamania Parties Are a Blast - It Gets Funnier Every Year! GAMA Festival, as its name suggests, is a day
8. GAMA Space:Breaking New Grounds; Broadening the Visions In June 2016, Gamania moved its headquarter that stood for 21 years in Zhonghe, to Neihu. The new Neihu headquarters embraces the concept of Open & Limitless, opening up new grounds for Gamania to become an Eco-Internet enterprise. The word “open” refers to open spaces and melting down of barriers; on the other hand, “limitless” means the boldness to be innovative and to create impressive ideas! Gamania’s focus has also evolved - before, it was solely online gaming; now the focus has expanded to“the Internet of life”. The company slogan has shifted
In 1989, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, allowing people that can perhaps have nothing in common to connect with one another regardless of distance and time. The figure below is a map showing the link of the geographical locations of Facebook friends around the world in 2010. The brighter the lines, the more Facebook friends there are between the two cities. Internet-related technologies and services continue to grow. The Internet has become a major mean for us to communicate with our friends and family both in life and in the workplace. ▲ Source of Photo:
Looking back at 2017 for Gamania, whether it’s strategic planning or brand development, the word of the year could very well be “Creation”! (At least that is the keyword in the opinion of this humble G!VOICE editor). In the term “Wave of Creation” (“創勢代” in Chinese) includes “Chuang” – “創”, the word for new energy, the momentum to propel the Group into the new year, and “Shi” – “勢”, the wave we ride to the top. “G!VOICE” hereby joins Gamania to review the year 2017, and welcome the new Wave of Creation! The Best of G!VOICE in 2017 From
“Lineage” - if ever there ever was a game that transcends generations, and makes those teenagers who have become adults still reminisce with joy, if ever there was a game you could plunge into a virtual world of unique socioeconomic culture, “dare to attempt what you could only dream”, it would be the one and only online game - “Lineage “. In 2000, Gamania began to distribute NCsoft’s hit online game “Lineage”. Taiwan was still using dial-up Internet at the time, and “Lineage” created a public frenzy for online gaming, and started a brand new chapter of Gamania’s online
"G!VOICE - Gamanian" was started in 2006, and the first hard copy version of "G!VOICE" was published in 2007. 2017 is a representative milestone, and marks a new start of "G!VOICE" after 10 years of history. G!VOICE has been through every period of Gamania's history, and "G!VOICE" shall embrace its evolution and the new beginning, starting by taking us all back to the very beginning in this issue. G!VOICE: Cultural Medium of Gamania During the first publishing of "G!VOICE", the CEO of the Gamania - Albert said "Corporate culture plays an important role in a company's development. Corporate culture
The "G!VOICE" we see today is quarterly published in a website format. But did you know? "G!VOICE" used to be published in various formats to accommodate our readers' changing reading habits in the past. Here are all the different reading formats of "G!VOICE" in past eras! The classic website version, the first step into the world! "G!VOICE" had an online version in its initial days of the first issue. Although it has the same dynamic and interesting content, it was different from the current website version, where readers view the articles right after clicking into the platform, and the
"To be Gamanian, is to know Gamania!" It has been uncountable shared Gamania memories since the first issue of "G!VOICE" over more than 10 years ago. The history of "G!VOICE", is the history of Gamanians! Readers will become true Gamanians after reading this issue's articles in the five essential themes "Who,What (about), When, Where, What (is)"! Who Who can forget Gama Buddy, the most popular character of Gamania? The cute little Gama Buddy is reserved for internal promotional information, but you will easily find it with a little effort! Recommended: "Famous Sightings of the Gama Buddy Over the Past
"G!VOICE" has, over the years, been seen more than 4,000 days, published 78 issues and printed nearly 20,000 copies! "G!VOICE" has accumulated history and stories into the creation we see today, but there are still many unknown parts of its past, which shall all be revealed today! "G!VOICE" Changed Its Name Twice ◎ 2005 - The birth of "Gamanian", the predecessor to "G!VOICE" ◎ 2006 - The official name change to "G!VOICE - Gamanian" ◎ 2008 - The name is changed to "G!VOICE", which is still used today Top 3 Most Popular Articles of 2017 1 What Happens When
After more than two years of preparation, the Gamania Group transformation has finalized. At the spring press conference, the Group presented its goal and prospect for 2017, and also disclosed its new headquarters to display Gamania’s pleasant working environment. With a clear 4+1 strategy, the Group reaps a fruitful harvest The Group’s CEO Albert said the health of all business entities had been improved at the present stage, with gaming, e-commerce, payment and media as focuses for development. The comprehensive services aim to penetrate everyone’s life through the combination of the three momentum-oriented industries – gaming, e-commerce and payment
A highly adaptable meeting place with an innovative whole ecology “It was not so much about designing a new space for Gamania. I’d rather think big. We were actually thinking about creating an iconic workplace for Taiwan’s Internet startups,” said Ahbin, the Brand Director. The design idea of the space at Gamania headquarters is characterized by “around-the-clock operation, whole ecology and full functions.” The company operates around the clock to meet the need of an Internet company, from customer service, information security to general business; the whole ecology refers to the employees’ daily routines, including food, clothing, housing, transportation,
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