

Why do corporations need to study UX?

Why do corporations need to study UX?

A developer team may consider the introduction of UX research when developing product services, to better meet user demands with a product design based on UX methods. Maybe you have

Why did Heineken sponsor the “New York, East River, +Pool”?

Why did Heineken sponsor the “New York, East River, +Pool”?

This is a meaningful case of brand marketing. "Heineken" has its eyes on the "+Pool" project which "a group of crazy people wants to use non-chemical methods to filter 2.27

Don’t underestimate the youth as superficial!

Don’t underestimate the youth as superficial!

Taiwan has one of the highest density in scooters among the countries in the world. Major scooter brands in Taiwan are extremely competitive in terms of prices and creative marketing

Asia’s Youngest 10-Year-Old Philosopher is a Published Author!

Asia’s Youngest 10-Year-Old Philosopher is a Published Author!

Since ancient times in history, the image of a philosopher is that of a bony, gray-haired, ragged and meager person. However, Nakashima Bao, a child of merely ten years old

Naomi Watanabe and Yuni Yoshida Amazed Fans!

Naomi Watanabe and Yuni Yoshida Amazed Fans!

Who says stars need to be slim and beautiful? Naomi Watanabe broke the social frame over the world with her short and round figure. She has longed to be in


The Infectious Power of Voice-Over in TV Commercials

Source of picture: http://www.getintunestupid.com/tag/madden-nfl-13   The was a movie called Any Given Sunday, directed by Oliver Stone and the lead actor was Al Pacino. The movie was about the fame, money, rights, conviction and honor between the victory and defeat in the professional football world. What kind of choice would you make? What do you believe in? There were a lot of ‘lecture’ segments such as negotiation, pep talks before the game and persuasion etc.  The trailer for the game, Madden NFL 13 adopted the same feature. Ray Lewis’s emotional and gung-ho performance, his talk with himself, and to

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Create an Impressive Footer!

Before I get into the subject, I’d like to begin with a slogan from Nokia’s commercial, “Hunan Technology”. Through the design of emotion, a life-less product is given a friendly feeling, no longer a cold product or webpage. In fact, in the process of design, it does not always come from a brand new concept, on the contrary, we seek for something that is already rooted in people’s subconsciousness. I believe no one has ever taken a serious look at the footer on the webpage. Footer design is the most easily ignored or underestimated part of the webpage design.

Columns On UX

Sweden, Lets Her People Manage the Country’s Tweeter Account

What would you do, if Taiwan’s tourism is handed down to ordinary people like you and me? You’re thinking, a country’s tourism affect many people’s livelihoods. Such significant task should go through the authority so that it could be packaged nicely and consistently. How could it be left to ordinary civilians, who may do a botched job?    Sweden thinks otherwise. Swedish Tourism Board initiated a campaign, “Curator of Sweden”. The Board thinks that “A country is constituted by people! There is no single channel that could claim to be the sole representative of whole Sweden and therefore, rather

Columns On Market Trends

2012 Most Glorious Field For Brand Image

圖片來源:http://postcardsfromwildwood.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/olympic-flame-on-the-isle-of-wight/ Home education has taught us since we were kids that carbonated drinks are detrimental to our health. In recently years, Coca Cola extended the most fundamental health problem to the issue of environmental protection. Each year the amount of empty bottles causes significant impact to our environment. Few years ago, Coca Cola’s factory in India overdrew underground water which led to land subsidence. As a leading beverage brand in the world, Coca Cola is facing environmental issue caused by consumption. How did it once again become a winning brand in the face of negative new coverage and adverse

Columns On Branding

Marketing War in the Digital Age

▲(Source of picture:http://www.psdgraphics.com/backgrounds/bulls-eye-target) More and more people asked me recently, “For brand owners, what exactly is brand marketing in the digital age?” The traditional marketing relies on T.V, newspapers, magazines, radio broadcastings or outdoor billboards so if we get our heads around the features of these media, we could market everything with flying color. However, in these past few years, these old tricks don’t work the same magic anymore.  Due to the rise of social networks in recent years, from blog, YouTube, twitter to Facebook and Pinterest, new media appear in alarming rate. These new marketing tools have their

Columns On Market Trends

Scent of Tranquility—From a Book

“The smell of a freshly printed book is the best smell in the world”                                                                                                              ─Karl Lagerfeld   Do you still remember the smell of a book? After the e-publication became popular, the scent of books has gradually been forgotten. If you’re an avid lover of

Columns On Branding

Creativity: Turning the Negative Positive

( Source of picture:http://www.casaoito.net/coca-cola-security-cameras) We tend to have preconceived images or stereotypes towards certain things, such as associating a tattooed person with drug use, a guy dyeing hair blonde as delinquent, a strong muscular man must be meat-lover, girls must love playing with dolls or guys will inevitably cheat etc. (please scrap the last one). Stereotypes are generally negative perceptions. What is your impression of surveillance/security camera? Monitoring, stalking, uncomfortable, violence-related, insecure…?  This Coca-Cola commercial from Latin America turned the usually negatively-associated-surveillance camera into a happiness catcher that capture every second of moving moment about bliss, love, peace and friendship.

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Marketing not only promotes life, it improves life!

Remember the 3.11 Earthquake in Japan 2 years ago? That was the first time the impact of such disasters really hit me by “witnessing” it with my own eyes. (A few colleagues and I hung around the TV all afternoon watching live broadcast. We were in awe of nature’s cruelty, and and the same time, impressed with how fast the Japanese new reporters were able to get there.) It was unreal, almost as if watching a movie. Before this, there has not been an occasion where the actual happening of a natural disaster is fed to viewers live. It

Columns On Market Trends

Who said all hospitals look alike! The Hospital in Villeneuve d’Ascq

The new private hospital in Villeneuve d’Ascq in northern France is a hospital like one you’ve never seen before. Who said a health institute had to be all solemn and impersonal?  On the contrary, this hospital was carefully designed for the patients to feel at ease in a relaxing environment. The project was led by Jean-Philippe Pargade, one of the top architects and urban planners in France. Besides inserting chic, modern elements into the building structure, it aims to improve the community’s medical quality. The hospital in Villeneuve d’Ascq covers an area renovated from uncultivated farmland in the new

Columns On Branding

Things I Look Back On: Hsiao Yeh’s Thoughts on Life

  G!VOICE Introduces: “So this is what life is about! It is always years later when we realize what we were going through at a certain period of our lives. Over the years, we often look back and wonder about, or even regret, the decisions that we made. But who said life was easy in the first place? !  This philosophy applies to all of us. Even for Hsiao Yeh, who has been pondering over this for quite some time! Hsiao Yeh’s book, titled Things I Look Back On, is a reflection of his past 60 years, and is

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An RPG Inspired Innovative Spark

The clip starts with 2 parachuters landing in a line of fire in the jungle. They trek to a gloomy castle where they have to pay for a pass. . . .The fee can be either gold, cash, or gems. The troopers toss 2 coins, take off their gear, and enter into a fantasy world, where people from completely different eras gather at the bar. After doing a double take, hey! Aren’t these heroes from different games? Each hero rants out his or her code of honor, but for who? ? ? For who, exactly? ? ? Not for

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Memory of a Dog

▲Japanese Photography Master—Moriyama Daido’s First Chinese Autobiographic Piece G!VOICE Recommend “High contrast, rough particle, vague, jumpy, and out-of-focused strong black and white photography has been the first impression the public have for Moriyama Daido’s work. This autobiographic content details his growing environment, sentiments, and his anti-routine, anti-stereotypical personality. This work depicts how he perceives the world, be it gloom and doom or free and unstrained. Through the text, we get to know the artist more, understand the most truthful definition of photography and his process of doing this.” “The passing time does not extinct, but awaits there. I see

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Angry Bird’s Videos Always Make me Laugh!

Famous Astronaut Armstrong said, “One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind.” Now the scene shifted to Angry Birds, the moment when it is about to be flung what would it say? Would it snicker? Would its feather fall?  Videos about Angry Birds never disappoint me, and they always make me laugh! The Space edition of Angry Birds was launched on March 22. About a month ago, its official website released this video and quickly created sensational talk around the space edition. The video was inspired from true humor, the good kind of creativity. The creative team

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The more options the better. Really? ?

    Source: http: //www. hidabroot. org The recent trend in modern web design emphasizes on simplicity yet with versatile and accessible content. Every site is trying to present its product in the most obvious manner possible, with over-exposure and overwhelming information. They are eventually buried among all the other hypertext messages, ending up with the visitor clicking off after a few brief glances. According to Sheena Iyengar’s “Jam Study”, it is suggested that when a being is offered too many options, the more difficult it becomes to make an actual choice. (View the Jam Study here)   It

Columns On UX

Welcome the New Era of Sports through High-tech!

I have recently come across a story that really blew me away: “Taiwan has broken 2 world records: a whopping 49 marathons races were held in 2012 (42.195 kilometers in total). falling in 4th place only behind the United States, the United States, and Japan. Taiwan hold the highest density of runners in an area based on the ratio of population and land. Wow! That is really something. Many friends around me have participated in some kind of marathon race. Some even already signed up for the 2013 Tokyo Marathon and are undergoing intensive training as we speak! The

Columns On Market Trends

The Show-stopping “Garbage Kaleidoscope”

When we were young, we all had the experience of looking into a kaleidoscope with one eye-- Remember how it felt like to be fascinated by the different patterns that almost never repeated themselves? Indian designer Nishant Jethi integrates the idea of the kaleidoscope with garbage and prompts the world to take a closer look at the “dazzling fashion” of garbage pollution from a new perspective.     In India, littering in public streets is the norm. Everyone does it, no matter in rural or urban areas. When local charity organizations decided to bring this issue to serious attention,

Columns On Branding

Molding the Consumer’s Ideal: The Dreamwalker Marketing Plan

What kind of image would a liquor merchandise want to give its consumers? Heineken puts down its competitors by visualizing its slogan: “Refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach”; while Hennessy plays on being the favorite among hip and elegant yuppies. My encounter with Johnnie Walker, though, goes back to almost a decade ago...   It was the time when Harvey Keitel was the face of Johnnie Walker, the whole world recognized it as the famous drink from the “Keep Walking” campaign. In Taiwan it’s the same story. From the “KEEP WALKING Fund” project to the inspirational Tommy Chen

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Requiem for a Dream

    G-Voice Recommendation:    This is a film by Darren Aronofsky who directed the critically acclaimed Black Swan (2000). If you consider Trainspotting as a brilliant film on drugs, addiction and the critique on modernity, Requiem for a Dream would be ever more appealing to your taste. Although the film is full of images of using drugs, and considered banned for such reason, the atmosphere created in Dream is a sound warning rather than an appraisal of any kind.    One of the films technique is using rapid cuts to parallel the emotion drug addicts are going through.

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